My Scrolls

The Abilities of Man (20.12.08)

“The abilities of man are always to the fore, 

                                         always on their guard, 

                                         always striving for expansion. 

The abilities of man are lightly regarded, 

                                 are taken for granted, 

                                 are often forgotten.

The abilities of man are at his beck and call, 

                                 are sometimes overestimated, 

                                 are sometimes insufficient for the task at hand. 

The abilities of man seek alliances that augment. 

The abilities of man grow with experience. 

The abilities of man evaporate with consciousness.

The abilities of man can recognize a presence. 

The abilities of man can operate at distance. 

The abilities of man can aspire to greatness. 

The abilities of man canon into conflict, 

                                 canon into injury, 

                                 canon into realms of the unknown.

The abilities of man collide with others, 

                                 collide with achievements, 

                                 collide with ambition. 

The abilities of man do not retreat from collision, 

                                 are not deterred by collision, 

                                 are not fearful of collision.

The abilities of man retreat from embarrassment, 

                                 retreat from superiority, 

                                 retreat from a lack of knowledge. 

The abilities of man are allowed to fail, 

                                 are allowed to succeed, 

                                 are allowed to capture.

The abilities of man are for the purposes of man. 

The abilities of man come with the nature of man. 

The abilities of man are integrated in application. 

The abilities of man are limited by power, 

                                 are limited by authority, 

                                 are limited by freewill.

The abilities of man are approved of God, 

                                 are overseen by God, 

                                 are defended by God.”



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