My Scrolls

The Lick of The Lion (31.7.09)

“The lick of the lion is the sign of acceptance within the pride.

The lick of the lion gives the licked a bath.

The lick of the lion cleans the coat.

The lick of the lion prevents infection to a wound.

The lick of the lion removes contaminants on the skin.

The lick of the lion removes infestations from the hiding places.

The lick of the lion speaks of love,

                                speaks of care,

                                speaks of the supply of the necessities of life.

The lick of the lion sets an example to be followed,

                                teaches the young of expectations,

                                confirms the presence of paws holding the promise of security.

The lick of the lion leads on to an endowment,

                                accompanies on future journeys,

                                offers protection when in difficulty.

The lick of the lion is confirmation of a loving father,

                                is confirmation of close attention,

                                is confirmation that all is well.

The lick of the lion is accompanied by the growl of correction,

                                is accompanied by the paw that gives a cuff,

                                is accompanied by instructions on behaviour.

The lick of the lion is never far away,

                                is in the proximity of a cuddle,

                                is near a resting place of comfort,

                                ensures protection when asleep.

The lick of the lion is in the presence of good food,

                                is in the presence of other licks,

                                is in the presence of both day and night.

The lick of the lion surrounds the search for truth,

                                directs the thirsty to the water,

                                the hungry to the larder that is never empty.

The lick of the lion expresses knowledge found beyond horizons,

                                expresses knowledge gained for the end of life,

                                expresses knowledge acquired through a life on earth.

The lick of the lion wipes away the tears of misery,

                                                    the tears of hurts,

                                                    the tears of happiness.

The lick of the lion removes the devourers of the body and the soul.

The lick of the lion evicts hyenas from vicinities where the young attend their schooling.

The lick of the lion frees the body,

                                frees the soul,

                                frees the spirit –

                                           frees life to continue in a remote land of plenty.

The lick of the lion is a sacrifice of time,

                                was present at a sacrifice in time,

                                is a sacrifice throughout time.

The lick of the lion stops disease in its tracks,

                                opens the way to unending health,

                                has a lesson in each lick that should never be forgotten.”


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