My Scrolls

The Attendants of The Bride (6.3.09)

“The seven angels of heaven are coming to the earth.

The seven angels of heaven are descending in unison.

The seven angels of heaven,

                                       each with his own entourage,

                                             are the surveyors of the earth.

The seven angels of heaven carry lamp stands ready for a service.

The seven angels of heaven carry the vestments of The Lord,

                                                      the vestments of The Father,

                                                      the vestments of The Spirit.

The seven angels of heaven have decrees ready to be spoken.

The seven angels of heaven have not been this way before.

The seven angels of heaven will not be this way again.

The seven angels of heaven verify and conform to the sequence of man’s time.

The seven angels of heaven chart a course of majesty.

The seven angels of heaven are in charge of celebrations,

                                             are in charge of all festivities,

                                             are in charge of the progress of a procession.

The seven angels of heaven know the timing of events and apply it to the earth.

The seven angels of heaven co-ordinate activities within the time frame of man.

The seven angels of heaven mix and mingle as required.

The seven angels of heaven organize the feast,

                                              extend the invitations,

                                              check acceptances against a scroll.

The seven angels of heaven prepare the venue for the host.

The seven angels of heaven have authority to declare what is to be.

The seven angels of heaven inspect progress with a smile,

                                             inspect progress with great care,

                                             inspect progress with the schedule.

The seven angels of heaven know what is required,

                                              are not hindered in application,

                                              proceed with confidence and certainty.

The seven angels of heaven will furnish the finished venue,

                                                                 the venue as designed,

                                                                 the venue in its glory.

The seven angels of heaven dress the table of the carpenter.

The seven angels of heaven lay the table with the keepsakes.

The seven angels of heaven decorate the room of fellowship.

The seven angels of heaven have hands of holiness,

                                             have songs of worship,

                                             have music from heaven and the ages.

The seven angels of heaven view all with satisfaction,

                                             view all with great delight,

                                             view all in a state of readiness.

The seven angels of heaven await the gathering of the invited,

                                                       the presence of the honoured,

                                                       the appearance of the host.”


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