My Scrolls

The Body of Man 1 - Designed (15.12.08)

“The body of man is a masterpiece of construction.

The body of man has built in talent,

                             has attributes of speciality,

                             has uniqueness of abilities,

                             has expansion capabilities.

The body of man has the power of self-repair,

                             has the power of self-determination,

                             has the power of self-belief,

                             has the power of self-assessment,

                             has the power of self.

The body of man has the authority to wander,

                             has the authority to stray,

                             has the authority to meander all his days.

The body of man has the gift that orders his steps,

                                               that aligns his steps,

                                               that brings structure to his steps.

The body of man has the right to be preserved,

                                   the right to be renewed,

                                   the right to be eternal.

The body of man has a destiny with the soul,

                                   a destiny with the spirit,

                                   a destiny with the mind.

The body of man has an existence that has been planned,

                                   an existence that develops,

                                   an existence that has a forward extension.

The body of man has potential not yet realized,

                             has potential for a time hidden behind the future time of man.

The body of man should be treated with all honour,

The body of man should be consecrated to God,

                             should be baptized by man,

                             should be baptized by The Spirit.

The body of man needs to receive the promises of God that arise from a second birth.

The body of man has need to be prepared for the third birth;

                                                                         the passing through the grave,

                                                                         the life event of death.

The body of man is conveyed on the voyage of discovery by the promises of God.

The body of man is in the image of God.

The body of man did neither evolve by error,

                                                          nor by trial.

The body of man was created by the spoken word of God.

God does not rely on chance to carry out His will.

God has no need for cause,

        has no need for effect,

                                      in validating the spoken word of God.

The scholarship of man has failed in apportioning the glory of creation to the assumed sequencing of time.

Time is not random;

 time is not consistent;

 time is not continuous;

 time is multi-dimensioned:

                                     within the scholarship of God.”


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