My Scrolls

The Fall of a House of Hell (14.12.08)

“The fellowship of Hell turns man on his head.

The fellowship of Hell is a fellowship of Hell.

The fellowship of Hell is the fellowships of the iniquities of man,

                                         the fellowships of the foe,

                                         the fellowships of the cartels of man,

                                         the fellowships of business cronies,

                                         the fellowships of defensive encirclings that still extort.

The fellowship of Hell scavenges the wealth of man,

                                                       the labour of man,

                                                       the time of man.

The fellowship of Hell has no redeeming feature.

The fellowship of Hell ignores all cries of distress.

The fellowship of Hell pays lip service,

                                     addresses by way of token,

                                     always seeks publicity,

                                                           for the dregs of assistance offered.

The fellowship of Hell excessively extorts,

                                     minimally returns.

           The wisdom of man should not commend the fellowship of Hell.

           The wisdom of man should be at variance with the fellowship of Hell.

           The wisdom of man should not condone the fellowship of Hell.

The fellowship of Hell satisfies the greed of man.

The fellowship of Hell grows in nests of corruption.

           The knowledge of man will eventually bring destruction upon the fellowship of Hell,

                                                                                                               the kidnapping of Hell,

                                                                                                               the blackmail of Hell.

           The knowledge of man will eventually attack the nests of corruption.

                                 The nests of corruption will be unseated from where they are built.

                                 The nests of corruption will be located wherein they shelter.

                      The locations of the sheltering are in great peril from man.

                      The locations of the sheltering are open to attack.

                      The locations of the sheltering are rotten to the core.

                      The locations of the sheltering will fall with a gentle push.

                      The locations of the sheltering will fall like a wall that once divided.

                      The fall of the locations will cause a scramble to re-locate.

           The knowledge of man can prevent a re-location.

           The knowledge of man can cause a house of Hell to fall –

                                                           the house that houses a fellowship of Hell.

A house of Hell will fall when the wealth of man is dried up for a season,

                                        when the wealth of man is redirected,

                                        when the wealth of man is selectively with-held.

           The power of man is yet to be achieved within the wealth of man.

           The power of man currently sleeps.

           The power of man can be marshalled via a network.

           The network power of man is yet to be fully realized.

           The network power of man can bring nations to their knees,

                                                        can place them in the hands of their enemies,

                                                        can operate at the speed of light.

           The network power of man can cause assets to be released from the clutches of a house of Hell.

           The network power of man can bring to no avail the funds held in reserve.

           The network power of man can repeatedly attack a house of Hell that is dependent on the marketplace of man.

A house of Hell stands defenceless before the attack of the network power of man upon the marketplace of the house of Hell.”


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