My Scrolls

The Feast of The Incarnation (8.6.09)

“The Feast of the Incarnation is not a matter of choice to those who know the truth.

The Feast of the Incarnation is the richest in its spread,

                                                  the richest in its offering,

                                                  the richest in its succour.

The Feast of the Incarnation is not a lowly supper,

                                               is not to be postponed,

                                               is not to be omitted.

The Feast of the Incarnation is not of no account,

                                               never invites casualness of approach,

                                               is not without reproach to those who treat it as a token.

The Feast of the Incarnation is accompanied by the presence of deity,

                                               brings holiness in silence to each eternal being,

                                               is engraved with the intent upon a record as it passes through the lips.

The Feast of the Incarnation is the outreach of deity to the loneliness of man.

The Feast of the Incarnation is the outreach of deity to teach man of his new relationship within the timeframe of mortality.

The Feast of the Incarnation is the outreach of deity to vest in man due reverence to those who were not there:

                                                                                                                                   to those who could not witness,

                                                                                                                                   to those who have been told.

The Feast of the Incarnation tests the loyalty of instruction.

The Feast of the Incarnation tests the fear of God,

                                              tests man’s transmission of an event of glory,

                                              tests man’s understanding at the core of his discipleship.

The Feast of the Incarnation rejects sin brought before the throne,

                                               sees as an affront the casualness of man,

                                               hears at last the penitent with the humble heart.

The Feast of the Incarnation is majestic in its scope,

                                               redemptive in its application,

                                               eternal in its significance.

The Feast of the Incarnation is the verifier of faith,

                                                  the touchstone of belief,

                                                  the feeder of the soul.

The Feast of the Incarnation is the unifier of the faith,

                                                  the measurer of the sheep,

                                                  the drafting-gate for goats.

The Feast of the Incarnation is the message of departure to those who would be discipled.

The Feast of the Incarnation is the bedrock of assembly.

The Feast of the Incarnation is at the centre of remembrance.

The Feast of the Incarnation transmits the love of deity to the soul of man.

The Feast of the Incarnation transmits the love of man to deity in freewill recognition.

            Each Feast of the Incarnation is visited by angels,

                                                            expresses the sanctity of the bride,

                                                            seals a broken covenant anew within each trembling heart.

            Each Feast of the Incarnation has the time of celebration entered within the record of all participants of the day.


                        The grace of The Lord is mighty to behold and all His ways are just.”


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