My Scrolls

The Garden of The Lord (14.2.09)

“The garden of The Lord is tended by expert hands.

The garden of The Lord exhibits all of creation.

The garden of The Lord has reflections of vast proportions, 

                                       has shadows of many colours, 

                                       has aromas that question the senses of the mind. 

The garden of The Lord has the vistas of The Spirit, 

                                       has meanderings of magnitude, 

                                       has scopes that fill the outlook of the eye that stares in wonder.

The garden of The Lord has plantings that follow footsteps of deliberation. 

The garden of The Lord has moonbeams with the icicles, 

                                       has sunbeams dancing with the birdsong, 

                                       has flowers in minuet with the whispering of leaves. 

The garden of The Lord is a celebration of design. 

The garden of The Lord glories in reflection, 

                                       glories in relaxation, 

                                       glories in remembrance.

The garden of The Lord is a place to linger, 

                                       is a place to learn, 

                                       is a place to comprehend where a previous impossibility is not even an improbability. 

The garden of The Lord has clashes with prior reasoning, 

                                       has items that defy the logistics of supply, 

                                       has nurture and nature in perfect harmony.

The garden of The Lord has content not previously seen, 

                                       has content not previously available to assail the senses of man, 

                                       has content long at home in the garden of grand design. 

The garden of The Lord has flora and fauna that never went extinct. 

The garden of The Lord contains no fear of any occupants. 

The garden of The Lord reflects the serenity of surroundings of each living thing – 

                                                                                                            as planted in a masterpiece of perfection.

The garden of The Lord can be a walk through time, 

                                       can be a walk on time, 

                                       can be a walk outside time. 

The garden of The Lord will never be forgotten, 

                                       will never be contaminated, 

                                       will never evict its guests.

The garden of The Lord will always greet the righteous, 

                                       will always greet the beloved, 

                                       will always greet those who hold and operate the keys of the Kingdom.

The garden of The Lord is bypassed by those who shunned the sanctuaries of attendance, 

                                       is closed to those who were foolish beyond belief, 

                                       is non-existent for those who had no faith.

The garden of The Lord is for those with their gowns bejewelled –

                                                                                         that were not razed by fire.”


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