My Scrolls

The Gospel of The Lord (16.7.09)

“The gospel of The Lord is the good news of the coming Kingdom,

                                                                         the Kingdom that is close to hand,

                                                                         the Kingdom that prevails.

The gospel of The Lord is a restoration with a cross.

The gospel of The Lord brings dispensation from the law and decrees the age of fellowship.

The gospel of The Lord is not imposed,

                                       builds on faith,

                                       changes accepting lives.

The gospel of The Lord speaks of governing authority,

                                                       honouring family life,

                                                       adopting lives of rectitude.

The gospel of The Lord has extensive testimonies,

                                       has impressive testimonials,

                                       has martyrs of conviction.

The gospel of The Lord expresses majestic principles,

                                       reaches across divides,

                                       spans encountered cultures.

The gospel of The Lord unites in harmony,

                                       manifests in deeds,

                                       witnesses to mankind.

The gospel of The Lord brings social responsibility,

                                       speaks in truth,

                                       brings forth illumination.

The gospel of The Lord is a message of uniqueness,

                                       has a promise of forgiveness,

                                       extends hope to the hopeless.

The gospel of The Lord presents an offering of sacrifice,

                                       has confirmations of its truth,

                                       has evidence of many miracles.

The gospel of The Lord is unmatched by other theisms,

                                       has claims that are exemplary,

                                       has changed the lives of many.

The gospel of The Lord explains the sin of man,

                                       appeals a change of heart,

                                       requires repentance from the sinful.

The gospel of The Lord refutes the multitude of paths,

                                       denies the equivalence of gods,

                                       proclaims the pre-eminence of Jesus.

The gospel of The Lord proclaims the morality of God,

                                       proclaims turning from all sin,

                                       proclaims reconciliation through the cross.

The gospel of The Lord discloses the meaning to mortality,

                                       imparts purpose to the soul,

                                       has directed counselling when invited.

The gospel of The Lord is good news for mankind,

                                       has the perspective of eternity,

                                       contains outpourings of agapé love.

The gospel of The Lord records eyewitnesses of a life,

                                       is verified in daily happening,

                                       affirms with stones long placed.

The gospel of The Lord answers the seekers of the truth,

                                       imprints the seal of racial harmony,

                                       insists on the justice of the cross.

The gospel of The Lord is the reading of the centuries,

                                           the compelling call across the ages,

                                           the moral source with appeal to reason.

The gospel of The Lord details the effective gifts of God,

                                        is birthed from an incarnate deity,

                                        impacts the senses of the flesh.

The Gospel of The Lord:

                                        the expression of The Living God and His will for man.

The Gospel of The Lord:

                                        the disclosure of the grand design for man by The Loving God.

The Gospel of The Lord:

                                        offers understanding of the greatest sacrifice brought before the hopelessness of man.

The Gospel of The Lord:

                                        presented for acceptance in an age of mercy undeserved.

The Gospel of The Lord:

                                        to bring light into the darkness in a world without restraint.

The Gospel of The Lord:

                                        reaching out to those with initial faith and witness and the wisdom born of grace.

The gospel of The Lord contains an offer within a time frame for acceptance.

The gospel of The Lord contains a time frame for repentance.

The gospel of The Lord speaks of the ending of the age of the church

The gospel of The Lord speaks of a new beginning ushered in by a new dawn when justice will prevail.

                The non-repentant should beware of their coming judgement when justice will prevail.

                Repent and turn while it is yet today,

                                                 for the day when an accounting is required of man is not known to man.

                Yet to each that day approaches,

                                                 without pause,

                                                                    as the sands run through the hour-glass of every man’s mortality.”


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