My Scrolls

The Strength of The Lord (25.1.10)

“The strength of The Lord is mighty to behold,

                                           is mighty to experience,

                                           is mighty to sustain man.

The strength of The Lord is the power of God,

                                          is the authority of God,

                                          is the oversight of God.

The strength of The Lord is the active presence of The Spirit.

The strength of The Lord is the power of creation deployed to remedy the self-imposed fears of man.

The strength of The Lord should not be underestimated.

The strength of The Lord upholds man in his mortality as if an adult with an infant.

The strength of The Lord does not succumb to tiredness,

                                          is not subject to fatigue.

The strength of The Lord has a surplus to requirements in the support of man.

Mighty are the ways of God –

                                        Great in His commitment;

                                        Complete in His outpouring;

                                        All inclusive in His love;

                                        The Shepherd of Salvation;

                                        The Answerer of Prayer;

                                        The Confounder of the Enemy;

                                        The Defender of Free Agency –

                                                                        in the mortality of man.

Mighty are the plans of God –

                                        To have man as the confidante of God;

                                        To cherish man within creation;

                                        To want man with his nature;

                                        To encourage man from waywardness;

                                        To promote man past the grave; 

                                        To accompany man in conquering the enemies of man;

                                        To prepare for man,

                                             furnishing in magnificence,

                                             the anticipated destiny proposed –

                                                                        for the eternal presence of man in the perfection of God.

Mighty are the acts of God –

                                        To lift man past the clouds;

                                        To visit man with victory;

                                        To speak to man throughout the ages;

                                        To make promises of destiny to man;

                                        To heal the ailments born of man;

                                        To make known to man the seen and the unseen;

                                        To teach the wisdom of God –

                                                                        to man who seeks in preparation.

            For as My servant Paul has written,

                  ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.’”


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