My Scrolls

The Trickle of The Foe (6.12.09)

“This day,

      I speak to all My sheep saying:

                Be faithful to your calling,

                      and the day will soon dawn when you will be able to look back and see the progress achieved as a result

                                                                                                        of My Spirit going before and blessing your endeavours.


                      you will have the ability to see the path laid out for you to tread in these coming Days of The Lord.

                Even so,

                      the shuddering days of The Lord which will see the siren of Hades entering into every unprotected home,

                                                                                                                                                       every nook,

                                                                                                                                                       every cranny,

                                                                                                                                                         where privacy prevails.

                        For the siren of Hades has antennae as her head-dress and her dressing gown is disrobed in the solitude 

                               of her dressing room where there are invited eyes.

                                   Her dressing room where glazed eyes filled with lust are led by the hand progressively to a destiny

                                                                                                                                                                    they do not question.

                Be aware of doors which should be open yet are closed;

                                              which should be manned yet are without response.

                Be aware that these are the days of the virus of the foe,

                                               where access is prepared,

                                               where a welcome is received,

                                               where networks are to be eagerly traversed with the downfall of tomorrow that just

                                                                                                                                                awaits the trigger of the trickle.

                Be aware of the trickle of the foe that starts in silence and builds to a crescendo that causes the fall of nations,

                                                                                                                                                                               of kingdoms,

                                                                                                                                             of both the wilful and the righteous.

                Be aware of the trickle of the foe that has debt as its structure,

                                                                             has related debt,

                                                                             has interwoven debt,

                                                                             has debt with warranties,

                                                                                           with guarantees –

                                                                                                      the documents of debt –

                                                                                                                  all worthless once the trickle starts to fall.

                Those who would listen should acquire the wisdom to nurture the hedge that withstands the trickle of the foe.

                The hedge of protection,

                                      which all the saints should seek to establish,

                                                                  is freedom from the debt of man.

                For such a man this freedom gifts immunity to the summons of repayment:

                                                                                            then he does not stand as part of the pathway of the trickle;

                                                                                            then he cannot be coerced against his will;

                                                                                            then he stands with his free agency intact.

                For such a man will not be trapped,

                                              will not be enslaved by Satan within the credit circle of the foe.

                                For his dwelling will be secure beyond the fear of foreclosure –

                                              where a knee cannot be caused to buckle in subservience to the shadow of a mountain whose

                                                                                                                                                                base is built on debt.

                For such a man,

                      with wisdom as his guide,

                           will not be lured onto another path where a trickle lies in wait;

                           will not have pledged his righteousness as security for his debt;

                           will still be standing when others fall as a sacrifice to Mammon.”


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