My Scrolls

The Victors of The Soul (3.8.09)

“The victors of the soul are spread throughout the earth.

The victors of the soul are unified in creed,

                                     are a multitude of races,

                                     have diversity in tongues.

The victors of the soul seek each other’s company,

                                     hold hands in adversity,

                                     seek to strengthen ones that waver.

The victors of the soul long for justice in their home lands,

                                     long for sanctity of life,

                                     long for the eviction of corruption.

The victors of the soul have experiences worth telling,

                                     have stories that will keep the ears inclined,

                                     have wounds that testify to the truth.

The victors of the soul expand the choice of the soul,

                                     expand the influence of the soul,

                                     expand the horizons of the soul.

The victors of the soul value the company of the soul,

                                     value the consistency of the soul,

                                     value the experience of the soul.

The victors of the soul treasure the memories retained within the soul,

                                     treasure the worth of the soul in the sight of God,

                                     treasure the value of a soul that yields to the authority of God.

The victors of the soul have an insight that appeals to others.

The victors of the soul acquire support rather than baggage,

                                     acquire wisdom rather than knowledge,

                                     acquire the walk of righteousness rather than flounder through a quagmire.

The victors of the soul have lit a candle that burns within,

                                     have lit a candle with portholes in the face,

                                     have lit a candle protected from the draughts that snuff.

The victors of the soul have lit the candle of The Lord,

                                                                             that searches all within,

                                                                             that shines brightly for each footstep,

                                                                             that is a beacon in the darkness,

                                                                             that is at home within the light.

The victors of the soul have trained,

                                     have taught,

                                     have mastered an errant lively child and have brought it successfully to the junction of the cross.

The victors of the soul know the junction of the cross where that turning point in life requires a decision from the soul.

The victors of the soul know the junction of the cross –

                                                   that splits between the broad and narrow ways.

The victors of the soul have the fear of God,

                                     impart the fear of God,

                                     carry the fear of God.

The victors of the soul know full well that all road blocks will crumble when confronted by the fear of God.

The victors of the soul know the bridle of obedience,

                                                               that harnesses the soul,

                                                               that indicates direction,

                                                               that brings the victor’s touch.

The victors of the soul instruct but do not beat,

                                     teach but do not enslave,

                                     value freedom highly that results in the embrace of love.

The victors of the soul know of a special sacrifice made for the soul not governed by a victory:

                                                                                                                            that does not wear a bridle –

                                                                                                                            that has yet to encounter,

                                                                                                                                    in a battle –

                                                                                                                                           the rider on a white horse.”


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