My Scrolls

The Clouds of Conquest (21.6.10)

“The clouds of conquest usher in a new dawn,

                                    usher in a new beginning,

                                    usher in the call of the groom.

The clouds of conquest stretch across the sky,

                                  mark a platform in the sky,

                                  bring a declaration from the sky.

The clouds of conquest unfurl as a ridge-line,

                                  proclaim the breaking of a boundary,

                                  carry import in their shadowing.

The clouds of conquest advance in their covering,

                                  arise in the stillness of a morning,

                                  will not hide the Son.

The clouds of conquest set a stage upon a platform,

                                  set a stage which is uncurtained,

                                  set a stage which sounds the music of the fanfare.

The clouds of conquest are followed by the wind of heaven,

                                  are followed by the hosts of heaven,

                                  are followed by the troops of The Lord.

The clouds of conquest lift up to the stage,

                                  deposit on the earth,

                                  supervise an operation on a special place upon the earth.

The clouds of conquest are framed by the handiworks of God,

                                  support a platform of vast proportions decorated in the heavens,

                                  carry a stage of magnificence furnished for the bride in the opulence fit for kings.

The clouds of conquest are prepared for their assault upon a domain which carried darkness to what was a dominion of the light.

The clouds of conquest are about to initiate the expurgation of the domain of darkness from the confines of the earth.

The clouds of conquest are the dry-cleaners of the earth,

                                    the pressers of the furnishings,

                                    the revivers of all that is contained within the wardrobes of the earth.

The clouds of conquest seal the age of grace.”

Scribal Note:

       Refer also to this 1st title on page 72 of His 2nd Book: ‘God Speaks in His Scrolls on The Website of The Lord’.

       And to the 2nd one ‘The End-time Clouds of God (2)’ on page 112 of His 4th Book: ‘God Speaks to His End-time Calls for Man’.

       And to the 3rd one on page 18 of His 6th Book ‘God Speaks for His Bride via The Clouds of Conquest’.

       These may also be searched and found upon His website: ‘The Website of The Lord’ under ‘clouds’.


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