My Scrolls

The Walk of Man (21.4.11)

“The lonely walk of man is not a happy sight,

                                         is fraught with the waywardness of life,

                                         is subject to the pitfalls set along the way,

                                         is set on foreign paths where the signposts make no sense.

The lonely walk of man often follows the quest for greener pastures,

                                       often leads to a dead end –

                                                                     where retracing of the steps sorely tests the memory,

                                       often traverses a chasm with an inviting echo of deception,

                                       often ends up in a desert where water will buy a soul,

                                       often tenders a reflection at the onset of despair,

                                       often issues a call beyond the ears of man.

The lonely walk of man can bypass great wealth,

                                       can put it in his pockets at a watering hole,

                                       can resort to guile to furnish all his needs,

                                       can become acquisitive,

                                       can put a hermit in a cave,

                                       can suffer all that chance bestows.

The lonely walk of man can experience a loss of status,

                                       can welcome a friendly hand,

                                       can have a deadly encounter which would wish him ill,

                                       can circumvent a trap which lies in wait,

                                       can aspire to greatness with intent,

                                       can ascend the mountains of his travels.

The lonely walk of man often results in the impoverishment of the soul,

                                                                the starvation of the spirit,

                                                                the bending of the body.

The lonely walk of man often is the cause of the searching in his heart,

                                                    the lack of fulfilment in his life,

                                                    the sense of not achieving all for which he hoped –

                                                                                                         when he originally set out.

The lonely walk of man sometimes ends in a distant place,

                                       sometimes recalls a sense of longing,

                                       sometimes is the driver for a return to home,

                                       sometimes brings dissatisfaction to the fore:

                                                                       when the lifestyle no longer holds attraction,

                                                                                        no longer upholds a promise,

                                                                                        no longer has a likelihood of bringing satisfaction –

                                                                                                            either to the soul or to the spirit.

The accompanied walk with God is of man within his glory,

                                                      is of man at his very best,

                                                      is of man filled with the joy of life.

The accompanied walk with God is of man filled with certainty,

                                                      is of man with his eyes set on the goal of promise,

                                                      is of man with time as his friend.

The accompanied walk with God is of man within sensations of amazement,

                                                      is of man established with a mind of wisdom,

                                                      is of man with gifts he has been given:

                                                                                both to use and to share.

The accompanied walk with God is of man in continual discourse,

                                                      is of man attending the university of heaven,

                                                      is of man shedding all which would bring him shame.

The accompanied walk with God is of man being led unto the starlight,

                                                      is of man holding hands within the gardens –

                                                                                the gardens that were and are and forever shall be,

                                                      is of man in his perfection as fulfilled within the light.

The accompanied walk with God is of man within discipleship,

                                                      is of man under tuition,

                                                      is of man in his mortality –

                                                                                where preparation is the order of the day.

The accompanied walk with God is of man claiming his inheritance,

                                                      is of man knowing the bounty of heaven,

                                                      is of man dwelling in the presence of his loving God.

The accompanied walk with God is of man reaching out in faith –

                                                                                based on the declarations of the ages.”


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