My Scrolls

The Boredom of Man (4.9.11)

“The vacationing of man spreads across the seasons of his life.

The vacationing of man, 

 the holidaying of man, 

                      relieves the boredom of the scenes in which he dwells, 

                                                                  in which he lives,

                                                                  in which he plays, 

                                                                  in which he works, 

                                                                  in which he seeks a change of pace, 

                                            the boredom which he perceives in his surrounds as failure to excite.

The environment of God should not be included as a breeding ground of boredom to man – 

                                                                              in which he praises, 

                                                                              in which he fears, 

                                                                              in which he worships the being of his God.

The environment of God is expressive and constructive, 

                                is attainable and rewarding, 

                                is experiential and developing.

The environment of God is a wonder in which to be, 

                                    a wonder to see the progress, 

                                    a wonder to be occupied in tasks, 

                                    a wonder to minister under guidance, 

                                    a wonder to share a testimony, 

                                    a wonder to hear the bidden word of God.

The boredom of man is the residue of dissatisfaction, 

                          is the residue of disappointment, 

                          is the residue of repetition.

The boredom of man stems from the discouragement of despair, 

                                   stems from the sting of atheism as it kills all hope, 

                                   stems from the repetition of addiction, 

                                   stems from awakening from a stupor, 

                                   stems from the misery of neglect of a sleepy soul which does not know salvation, 

                                   stems from the agnostic who no longer seeks his God.

The boredom of man is a veil of compromise which obscures the target, 

                                   is a veil of smoke laid before the eyes, 

                                   is a veil behind which all is designated as not worth the effort of discovery. 

The boredom of man strikes the slothful in their inactivity, 

                           impinges on the incapacitated with an idle mind, 

                       confirms the status quo to those who do not seek, 

                                                                             those who are caught up in a circle of containment, 

                                                                             those who look to others for their source of inspiration, 

                                                                             those who do not venture beyond familiarity.

             The vacationing of man is an interruption born of desperation, 

                                                                    born of the desire for a time of relaxation, 

                                                                    born of the quest for something new, 

                                                                    born of the seeking of a break from drudgery.

             The vacationing of man can be planned into obscurity, 

                                            can be rather hit and miss. 

             The vacationing of man is felt within the pocket, 

                                            is felt within the memory, 

                                            is felt within the dawning of discoveries, 

                                            is felt within an attitude of certainty in the spirit, 

                                            is felt within the soul as it clambers to be free, 

                                            is felt within the body as it welcomes the return of vigour.

The boredom of man can be despatched from within a mindset, 

                           can be circumscribed for conquering, 

                                   can be discharged as a victory by the overcomer,

                           can be removed by prayer.”


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