My Scrolls

The Fishing in The Seas (11.9.11)

“The fishing in the seas is a cause of acrimony between the nations,

                                                                                those with rights declared by man,

                                                                                those with imagined rights when a signature is not appended.

The fishing in the seas sees a conflict in rationing by nations,

                                     sees an area preserved by one invaded by another,

                                     sees mother ships with children wrestle with the seas,

                                     sees empty boats with sails lying idle on the seas,

                                     sees the flags of nations which garner –

                                                                                   leaving with the day –

                                                                                   encroaching with the night –

                                                             bringing knowledge without wisdom to their activities at sea.

The fishing in the seas is the rattle of the winches,

                                     is the netting of the trawl,

                                     is the netting of the drift.

The fishing in the seas requires a craft of means with the sensors of today,

                                                                              with teamwork to the fore,

                                                                              with markets willing to accept.

The fishing in the seas is a search for the bounty of the catch,

                                     is a search for the highly valued,

                                     is a search for the filling of the holds.

The fishing in the seas has effort in the hooking of a shoal;

                                                     in the processing of the meat;

                                                     in making science the scape-goat –

                                                                                     in the take of false pretences.

For as the fishing in the seas is part of the dominion of man,

                                               is part of the meal of man,

                                               is part of the recreation of man,

                                               is part of the livelihood of man:

                           so man should apply wisdom to his management,

                                                   apply wisdom to his appetite,

                                                   apply wisdom to the sustainability of the cropping of the sea.

So the fishing in the seas should carry the wisdom to maintain what is already there,

                                         should carry the integrity of the quota which instils no waste,

                                         should carry the welfare of the birds,

                                                              the welfare of the animals:

                                                     as they interlock both on and in the seas.

For the fishing in the seas is dependent on the health of the seas:

                                          is dependent on the temperature of the seas,

                                          is dependent on the cycling of the seas,

                                          is dependent on the content of the ether of the earth –

                                                                                            which forms the breath of man.

For as the seas no longer transport so man encounters lack.

For as the seas fail to nourish so man knows deprivation.

For as the seas energize so man suffers great distress.

For as the seas reclaim so man discovers his tenure of the land:

                                          when the seas remove the footprints from the shorelines of the earth.”


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