My Scrolls

The Foundation of My Kingdom (14.1.12)

“The foundation of My Kingdom,

         the building of My kingdom,

                  the caring for the edifice of God on earth –

                                                 is in the hands of My servants who labour in My vineyard.

The foundation of My kingdom which is everlasting in its nature withstands the fire of testing.

The foundation of My Kingdom which is vanquished by the loss of faith crumbles in the dust –

                                                                                                                                   so fails the test of fire.

The foundation of My Kingdom is The Word of God proclaimed in truth,

                                                                                                        in righteousness,

                                                                                                        in the fear of God.

The foundation of My Kingdom is built on with the gold of faith,

                                                                              the silver of grace,

                                                                              the precious stones of souls.

The foundation of My Kingdom is built on with the presence of My Spirit.

The foundation of My Kingdom may be added to by man.

The foundation of My Kingdom may be built on by man in the absence of My Spirit.

The foundation of My Kingdom may be built on with wood which later rots –

                                                                                                                   with doctrine which is false;

                                                    may be built on with hay attacked by the mildew of  decay –

                                                                                                                   with paucity of the recognition of My Spirit;

                                                    may be built on with straw which does not hold a vision –

                                                                                                                   with the perishing of man.

                For such as these,

                           the mistaken efforts of man,

                                      will bring no credit to his soul,

                                      will bring no recognition for his labours,

                                      will not prevail upon appeal,

                                      will not survive as an intended blessing,

                                      will not be present on the gown of life,

                                      will not be counted as treasure stored beyond the grave.

                For such as these are fodder for the fire of righteousness –

                           which tests the gifts of man for integrity of purpose:

                                      for that which will stand before the throne of God.”

Scribal Note:  The Bible, 1 Corinthians 3:12-13


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