My Scrolls

The Fragrance of My Spirit (2) (2.5.12)

“The fragrance of My Spirit awakes the world to wonder,

                                              awakes the world to discernment,

                                              awakes the world to attempt to see the source.

The fragrance of My Spirit does not linger past The Son-rise,

                                            does not frequent the vapours of the swamp,

                                            does not disturb the comfort of the lost in their days of reflection.

The fragrance of My Spirit is the sign of The Presence,

                                            is a sign of confirmation,

                                            is a sign that all is well within the soul,

                                            is a sign unto the spirit that guards both day and night,

                                            is a sign that grace is granted with the slate erased.

The fragrance of My Spirit comes at a time of rest,

                                            comes at a time of waiting,

                                            comes at a time when holiness opens the temple of The Lord.

The fragrance of My Spirit rewards a seeking spirit,

                                            rewards an open heart,

                                            rewards a servant held in trust.

The fragrance of My Spirit removes the odours of the world,

                                            removes the stains upon a gown,

                                            confirms the validity of an entered record of The Son.

The fragrance of My Spirit glides silently in approach,

                                            passes a message of the love of God unto the nostrils of man,

                                            touches the three-in-one entity of man with the peace of God.

The fragrance of My Spirit attends at the will of God,

                                            attends the peaceful and the reconciled,

                                            attends the temples of the family of God.

The fragrance of My Spirit is an outward sign to man of the status of his inner being,

                                            is an outward sign to man which binds him in the bonds of love,

                                            is an outward sign to man of the welcome extended by his presence to The Spirit of The Living God.

The fragrance of My Spirit is to be recognized and honoured,

                                            is to be appreciated with all due fear,

                                            is to be welcomed with gratitude so the temple may be extended into a living space of grandeur.

The fragrance of My Spirit attends the growth of man,

                                            attends in teaching the majesty and the glory available through faith,

                                            attends the confirmation of man as he is capped with his degree from the university of the mortality
                                                                                                                                                         of man.

The fragrance of My Spirit attends the rejoicing graduation of man as man moves into the presence of his God.”

Scribal Note:

                  Refer also to ‘The Fragrance of The Spirit’ in His 2nd book –

                  ‘God Speaks in His Scrolls on The Website of The Lord’ on p86

                  and searchable on this – The Website of The Lord.


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