My Scrolls

The Holiness of God (2) (19.5.12)

“The holiness of God is protected with great sensitivity,

                                   does not suffer the casualness of contempt,

                                   will not prolong a relationship where reverence is absent,

                                   will not instruct with wisdom when fear is not present in the heart.

The holiness of God is declared within the silence,

                                  is made known to those who wait upon The Lord,

                                  is present as if a white tablecloth upon a table when in the setting of The Spirit.

The holiness of God does not retreat,

                                  does not intrude;

                                  is there to be approached by the humbled righteous,

                                  is there to be approached by those who know their God,

                                  is there to be approached where a close relationship exists.

The holiness of God is sensitive to sin howsoever carried by man,

                                  is sensitive to whosoever advances to the altar,

                                  is sensitive to unclean hands engaging in a role requiring sanctity.

The holiness of God knows the sacrifice of self,

                                  rewards the sacrifice of self,

                                  understands the love required to see to completion the sacrifice of self.

The holiness of God knows all the hidden secrets of man while in his imperfection,

                                  knows all of which to be ashamed,

                                  knows all which brings reward,

                                  knows all which brings disqualification to walk in the garden of The Son.

The holiness of God sees through the fog banks of man,

                                                       the smoke screens of man,

                                                       the lies of man.

The holiness of God cannot be approached by man when man remains surrounded by the tiers of his fog banks,

                                                                                                                                          the envelopes of his smoke screens,

                                                                                                                                          the forest of his unrepentant lies.

The holiness of God is not for the charlatan and the knave until committed to be bathed in purity by the water of new life
                                                                                                                                          and The Spirit sent to counsel.

The holiness of God is not open to entreaty;

                                  knows all there is to know;

                                  does not forget,

                                  does not overlook either the ‘fors’ or the ‘againsts’ in a presentation

                                                    of an opened heart of faith;

                                                    of a cry of anguish,

                                                    of a shout in anger,

                                                    of a whisper of deceit,

                                                    of a mouth speaking with the complete integrity of My Spirit.

The holiness of God is such that man should approach

                                 in full preparedness,

                                 in the readiness of his spirit,

                                 in the readiness of his soul,

                                 in the readiness of his body,

                                 in the readiness of a relationship established in honour,

                                                                                     in fear,

                                                                                     in humbleness sincere.

The holiness of God has access granted at the will of God,

                                 cannot be bypassed in a hurry,

                                 already knows the needs and urgencies of man.

The holiness of God stood,









The holiness of God sets the standard of existence,

                                 sets the standard for creation,

                                 sets the standard due upon the earth.”


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