My Scrolls

Thankful are The Poor in Spirit (1.5.12)

“Thankful are the poor in spirit as their spirits attempt to navigate their souls,

                                                   as their spirits learn to soar,

                                                   as their spirits hear the claps of angels with messages for the souls in need of the vitality of life.

Thankful are the poor in spirit as they rest to overcome,

                                                 as they rest within a sanctuary,

                                                 as they rest upon the word.

Thankful are the poor in spirit as they thirst for discipleship,

                                                 as they thirst for an inheritance,

                                                 as they thirst beside a brook of flowing water which leads to the river of the waters of life 
                                                                                                                                where they no longer suffer thirst.

Thankful are the poor in spirit found rejoicing in the wealth of their souls,

                                                 found rejoicing in the dances gifted to their spirits,

                                                 found rejoicing at the goodness of their God.

Thankful are the poor in spirit with their countenances filled with smiles,

                                                 with their tongues of praise way above a murmur,

                                                 with the counsel of My Spirit studied phrase by phrase.

Thankful are the poor in spirit as they seek to acquire a stable walk with God,

                                                 as they scramble as a student before the wisdom of the universe,

                                                 as they acknowledge by their postures the holiness of God.

Thankful are the poor in spirit for the knowledge of their God,

                                                 for the presence of My Spirit trailing gifts,

                                                 for the glory of the sunbeams bringing sparkling to the eyes,

                                                 for the seizing of the moment to commune with God,

                                                 for the enrichment of their fellows as they too find the river flowing,

                                                 for the grace of God’s anointing with forgiveness as it restores each soul from sin.

Thankful are the poor in spirit for they know full well where they stand,

                                                   know full well the trials of life,

                                                   know full well the vicissitudes encroaching on each day,

                                                   know full well the handiwork of God with the offered hand in welcome,

                                                   know full well the significance bestowed upon a change of heart,

                                                   know full well the impact of the loving God upon the lives of those in need.”


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