“The diet of My sheep varies with the cultures in which they dwell,
has a point of commonality which certifies the uniqueness of the flock when they feast in concert,
which certifies The God of love upon a wind-blown slope when chewing all alone.
The diet of My sheep is attached to the physical and the spiritual,
the secular and the sacred,
the simplistic and the complex.
The diet of My sheep is a surfeit to the stomach and a surfeit to the soul,
is a surfeit which arises from the keenness of My sheep,
from the richness of the pasture,
from the grazing made available.
The diet of My sheep cannot be robbed by the wolves which prowl,
by the packs which circle,
by a shepherd running free.
The diet of My sheep does not succumb to rotting,
is not tainted by death,
is not of the gall of bitterness.
The diet of My sheep is embellished by the latter rain,
is upheld by the kingdom reign,
is both varied and nourishing so growth can be retained.
The diet of My sheep has emphasis on the spiritual,
spurns the secular in favour of the sacred,
grazes in the waters of the word,
in the paddocks of prayer,
in the fields of tongues.
The diet of My sheep supplies muscles in the flesh,
supplies marrow in the bones,
supplies the fleeces of protection:
clothing with the gifts of God,
clothing with the armour of God,
clothing with the sword of My Spirit in the mouth resting on the tongue,
clothing with the sanctioning of the tongues by My Spirit.
The diet of My sheep leads them to know the battle cry of The Lord for ‘He is risen –
He is risen in deed.’ ”
“The diet of My sheep varies with the cultures in which they dwell,
has a point of commonality which certifies the uniqueness of the flock when they feast in concert,
which certifies The God of love upon a wind-blown slope when chewing all alone.
The diet of My sheep is attached to the physical and the spiritual,
the secular and the sacred,
the simplistic and the complex.
The diet of My sheep is a surfeit to the stomach and a surfeit to the soul,
is a surfeit which arises from the keenness of My sheep,
from the richness of the pasture,
from the grazing made available.
The diet of My sheep cannot be robbed by the wolves which prowl,
by the packs which circle,
by a shepherd running free.
The diet of My sheep does not succumb to rotting,
is not tainted by death,
is not of the gall of bitterness.
The diet of My sheep is embellished by the latter rain,
is upheld by the kingdom reign,
is both varied and nourishing so growth can be retained.
The diet of My sheep has emphasis on the spiritual,
spurns the secular in favour of the sacred,
grazes in the waters of the word,
in the paddocks of prayer,
in the fields of tongues.
The diet of My sheep supplies muscles in the flesh,
supplies marrow in the bones,
supplies the fleeces of protection:
clothing with the gifts of God,
clothing with the armour of God,
clothing with the sword of My Spirit in the mouth resting on the tongue,
clothing with the sanctioning of the tongues by My Spirit.
The diet of My sheep leads them to know the battle cry of The Lord for ‘He is risen –
He is risen in deed.’ ”