My Scrolls

The End-time Ecology of Man (18.6.12)

“The skills of man are insufficient to avert the wrath of God.

The skills of man are but as if a child playing at the beach.

The skills of man impress no one on the earth but man.

The skills of man are harnessed,

                             are manipulated,

                             are skewed by Satan for the destruction of man in the twilight of his career.

The career of man is filled with his careering,

                                                    that which is not to his credit,

                                                    that which leads him nowhere but downwards,

                                                    that which assembles the cheerers who become the jeerers.

The jeerers of the earth have membership in the satanic forces,

                                      have membership in the body of man,

                                      have membership of the club known as The Souls of Satan,

                                      have membership through the consensus of ill-will to man through the key of self-promotion,

                                      have membership which gratifies the lusts of man,

                                      have membership which denies them access to the God of righteousness.

The souls of Satan have had their time within the sunlight,

                               have had their times of prosperity which is little recompense,

                               have had their times within earshot of the warning bells of God,

                               have had their backs –
                                                         turned to face the shadows,

                               have had their mouths turned into caves of blasphemy,

                               have had their whitened souls of childhood with the spirits which were free -
                                                                                      changed into their latter blackened souls with each spirit fully captured.

        So as man is lost to God,

             as man falls beyond redemptive reach,

             as man succumbs to Satan,

                               so his destiny becomes assured as the bells toll,

                                            by way of confirmation,

                                                           the timing of man for entry to the grave.

The souls of man have chosen their outlets of freewill,

                                                 their outlets of great shame,

                                                 their outlets beyond the reach of trumpets,

                                                 their outlets with the reward of promise,

                                                 their outlets which all lead to an alley which is blind,

                                                                                                              which has no exit,

                                                                                                              which has no light,

                                                                                                              which has the entrance closed for those who would retreat.

The souls of man leave the field of play with the field in tatters,

                                                                with the field deserted,

                                                                with the field no longer nourished,

                                                                with the field no longer able to nourish the days of man.

The souls of man pillage without foresight,

                             pillage without wisdom,

                             pillage for the sake of feeding on corruption,

                                                            of feeding on the now,

                                                            of feeding leaving nothing as an inheritance for the generations forced to move,

                                                                                                                             for the generations whose livelihood is lost,

                                                                                                                       for the generations without a sequence of provision.

The souls of man plunder for the purse strings,

                            relinquish when tribute can no longer be extracted,

                            dismiss without a care for what is left behind.

The souls of man motivate the churlish,

                            enforce their secularity,

                            diminish responsibility,

                            deny accountability,

                            leave little of any worth,

                            vacate the sites ransacked by the greedy.

The souls of man in such a plight are not known by God,

                                                      are not the harbingers of freedom,

                                                      are not on the upward gradients of light,

                                                      are not gifted with the tools of God,

                                                      are not numbered among His servants,

                                                      are not enabled to accomplish wonders.

The sequence of accomplishment arises from a foundation instilled from God,

                                                                 from a foundation which calls on revelation,

                                                                                               which is built on the rock of revelation,

                                                                                               which knows not the sinking sands of failure;

                                                                 from a foundation laid by My Spirit,

                                                                 from a foundation of My word,

                                                                 from a foundation known to God containing precious stones.

The sequence of accomplishment results in gratitude and benefit,

                                                      results in multitudes at rest,

                                                      results in environments enhanced,

                                                      results in each daybreak bringing hope,

                                                      results in each dusk fulfilling happiness.

The sequence of accomplishment should be tested for the fruit;

                  for it is in the fruit of the effort of man –

                                                of the life of man,

                  that the origin is determined,

                  that the origin is declared to all who would test:

                                                            to all who would know whether destined for the gold preserving great glory,

                                                                                                                or for the straw found blowing in the wind.

The God of nations restores and redeems,

                                selects and builds,

                                teaches and trains,

                                knows and uplifts.

The God of nations verifies and punishes,

                                angers and calls to account,

                                seeks truth and righteousness in man.

The God of nations monitors the mistakes of man,

                                reclothes the earth,

                                restocks the seas,

                                refurbishes the dwelling place of man.”



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