My Scrolls

The End-time Events of Man (19.4.12)

“The end-time events of man are muddled in their formats,

                                                are muddled in their impact,

                                                are muddled in their exhortations,

                                                are muddled with perceptions,

                                                are muddled with the implications,

                                                are muddled with the expectations.

The end-time events of man come and go at the freewill of man;

                                              reflect the ignobility of the end-time freewill of man,

                                              reflect the barbarity of the hidden soul of man,

                                              reflect the avarice of the end-time character of man,

                                              reflect the estrangement of the spirit of man from The Spirit of The Living God.

The end-time events of man have their sourcing from the heavens,

                                              have their sequencing from the heavens,

                                              have their prophesying from the heavens.

The end-time events of man have the choreography arising from the heavens with an allocation to the freewill of man,

                                                    to the season for the playwrights to present the deeds envisaged upon the end-time stage,

                                                    to the denoting of the finale of the symphony of grace.

The end-time events of man have satanic overtones,

                                              have demonic underscores,

                                              have the spells of witches,

                                              have the curses of the idolaters down through the ages,

                                              have the frenzies of the insane surfacing in fantasies,

                                              have the spectacle of the mashing of the blending of the heartless guile with and of the spooking
                                                                                                                                                                                   of the villains –

                                                                                                                            placing no emphasis either on truth or reliability –

                         as they cheer in their pursuance of the destruction of integrity when demons exercise control.

The end-time events of man will come as a surprise to man,

                                              will come with a lack of understanding,

                                              will come with the multitudes filled with unbelief,

                                              will come upon the unprepared,

                                              will come upon the ill-advised,

                                              will come upon the unprotected.

The end-time events of man are suffered unto death,

                                              are experienced unto extermination,

                                              are witnessed by the slaughtering of man,

                                              are party to dismembering,

                                              are present at disembowelling,

                                              are subject to great torture.

The end-time events of man call forth the confessions of man;

                                              call forth the betrayals of man;

                                              call forth the lies of man;

                                              call forth the threats,

                                                             the onset,

                                                                       of excruciating pain;

                                              call forth the false promises of survival;

                                              call forth the deaths of agony.

The end-time events of man call forth the deceptions of man birthed to supplement his freewill desire,

                                              call forth the instruments of torture,

                                              call forth the death masks on the countenances of man,

                                              call forth the stench of death,

                                              call forth the rotting of the flesh,

                                              call forth the picking of the bones.

The end-time events of man preclude the counting of the dead,

                                              preclude the burying of the dead,

                                              preclude the hearts with mercy from a presence within the spreading of the pestilence,

                                                                                                                      within the fields of fire,

                                                                                                                within the ministries of the angels from the throne room.

The end-time events of man preclude the hearts of mercy from attending to the needs of man who willingly participates.

The end-time events of man address an epic struggle,

                                              address the evil accumulated on the earth,

                                              address the cleansing necessary prior to the rebirth,

                                                                                  prior to the new beginning,

                                                                                  prior to the transitioning of man to a steady state.

The end-time events of man sear the memories of survival,

                                              sear the memories of the scenes,

                                              sear the memories of actions carried out within mortality,

                                              sear the records which are closed,

                                              sear the records remaining open,

                                              sear the eyes of God through the presence of The Holy Spirit,

                                              sear The Lamb’s Book of Life with the finality of the seal of life within mortality.”


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