My Scrolls

The End-time Excessive Wealth of Man (13.4.12)

“The end-time of the success of man in compiling wealth beyond his needs is of witness in itself –

                                                                                  as fortunes vaporize as if held within a fog bank in the dawn,

                                                                                                     are lost upon the sun rise of the fraud,

                                                                                                     are not reborn upon the appearance of the dusk.

The end-time excessive wealth of man gained without a purpose dissipates as jelly on a road baking in the sunlight,

                                                                                                                        as water through a sieve without a pail,

                                                                                                                        as water on a sandy shore without a scoop,

                                                                                        as when washed without a screen in a raging torrent which carries all before.

The end-time excessive wealth of man speaks of how it is obtained by overcharging,

                                                                               how it is generated by foolish valuations,

                                                                               how it is condoned by the gearing wheels which multiply,

                                                                               how it is found hidden for discovery,

                                                                               how it is created in the networks of ones and zeroes,

                                                                               how it is frittered from a game of chance.

The end-time excessive wealth of man speaks of how it is interred in the vaults of darkness:

                                                                                                           as if marooned from the life of the sun.

The end-time excessive wealth of man is only rarely earned,

                                                               is only rarely justified,

                                                               is only rarely knighted by a blessing.

The end-time excessive wealth of man often demonstrates commonality in accumulation,

                                                               often demonstrates commonality in dispersal.

The end-time excessive wealth of man can come and go without appreciation for opportunities not realized,

                                                                                                                                       not taken-up,

                                                                                                                      not foreseen in wisdom for what they really are.

The end-time excessive wealth of man can damage reputations in its accrual,

                                                               can bring the honouring of man in its allocations to the cause of merit.

The end-time excessive wealth encountered by man is a challenge in disposal where happiness is the goal of life,

                                                                                    is a challenge in disposal where happiness is the goal of life,

                                                                                    is a challenge in sharing where many hands are opened,

                                                                                    is a challenge in keeping where the soul becomes endangered,

                                                                                    is a challenge before the courts of man where fragmentation is the goal,

                                                                                    is a challenge from with-holding where justice is not served,

                                                                                    is a challenge to success where guarding becomes the prime objective.

The end-time excessive wealth is handled correctly by the walk of righteousness,

                                                                                   by the heart which seeks the light of truth,

                                                                                   by the soul which knows its destiny through choice,

                                                                                   by that character of man which acknowledges the powers of good and evil:

                                                                                                                                    and can perceive the value in the difference.”


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