My Scrolls

The End-time Feeding of The Faithful (3.4.12)

“The end-time feeding of the faithful is a task all in itself,

                                                            is a task which needs addressing,

                                                            is a task in need of a solution,

                                                            is a task which My church is there to fulfill.

The end-time feeding of the faithful speaks of a surge in numbers,

                                                           speaks of the shortening days,

                                                           speaks of overcrowding which before was deemed acceptable for the days encountered,

                                                           speaks of teachers of My word discipling on a grander scale,

                                                           speaks of My people reaching out in ministry to My end-time harvest.

The end-time feeding of the faithful is to satisfy with sustenance the spirits and the souls of all who seek –

                                         by way of explanation,

                              by way of an active query,

                   by way of faith received as My Spirit’s gift,

        by way of the will of God that none should perish when the heart of man registers commitment with a longing for the truth.

The end-time feeding of the faithful follows precept upon precept,

                                     follows such that the reconciliation offered by the loving God is made known to man,

             follows in order man may learn:

                                    the way of righteousness;

                                    the way of salvation;

                                    the way of redemption;

                                    the way of My Spirit’s presence;

                                    the way of converting a body to a temple of the living God;

                                    the way back to the presence of the God of man;

                                    the way unto eternal life as the destiny of delight;

                                    the way of preparation while man is in mortality as a disciple of The Lord.

The end-time feeding of the faithful leads to two-way communication with The God of Abraham as a child of God within a
                                                                                                                                                                           new covenant,

                                                                    to a personal relationship with the God of creation,

                                                                    to the destiny of choice in which God would have man prepare to dwell:

                                                                                                                      in love,

                                                                                                                      in fellowship,

                                                                                                                      in wisdom,

                                                                                                                      in understanding,

                                                                                                                      in reverence,

                                                                                                                      in commitment.

The end-time feeding of the faithful accompanies a walk with God;

                                                           accompanies discoveries for the soul,

                                                                                             the spirit,

                                                                                             the body of man;

                                                           accompanies the end-time development of man so he may know his God.”


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