My Scrolls

The End-time Mortality of Man (15.5.12)

“The end-time mortality of man sees history at a turning point,

                                                    sees history impacted again by God,

                                                    sees history continued into immortality.

The end-time mortality of man opens the door into eternity:

                                                             the door into the presence of God;

                                                             the door of the entryway to hell.

The end-time mortality of man seizes The Saints of God together with The Lost of spirit,


                                                                                                                                     and body.

The end-time mortality of man is in the time of preparation:

                                                                        of learning not to succumb to the immediate fear of man,

                                                                        of receiving knowledge of the new parameters of life,

                                                                        of seeking the new prospects of being as companions to the stars,

                                                                        of turning from the past and future concepts into the timelessness of the present,

                                                                        of coping with the distant visitations on offer,

                                                                        of equipping with the discovered patterns of existence furnishing the environment of

                                                                                                                the presence of man now at home within the family of God.

The end-time mortality of man is a time for the discovery of the clues of God:

                                                                                                       clues to expand the understanding of The Faithful of eternity and
                                                                                                                                                                                of The Lost in time,

                                                                                                       clues as to the coming experiences of man,

                                                                                                       clues shed from the mysteries of God,

                                                                                                       clues to the changed conditions of man,

                                                                                                       clues to might and majesty revealed,

                                                                                                       clues as to what the expectations of man may so aspire to as he
                                                                                                                                                                                          journeys on.

The end-time mortality of man sheds light into his being in the present:

                                                   sheds light or darkness upon his destiny as selected,

                                                   sheds answers to the sheep,

                                                   sheds redeeming knowledge to the goats,

                                                   sheds faith unto the faithless,

                                                   sheds commitment to the ignorant of purpose.

The end-time mortality of man sheds grace so it everywhere abounds,

                                                   sheds grace in its time of being to the fore,

                                                   sheds grace so the penitent may firmly grasp the promise prior to the closure of the age.

The end-time mortality of man approaches as a threshold,

                                                   approaches as a new beginning,

                                                   approaches with the engulfing of a time warp,

                                                   approaches with the two Kingdom keys –

                                                                entrusted by The Father unto His Son –

                                                                          which either fit the door to heaven or the door to hell,

                                                   approaches with the choice determined from within the freewill agency of man,

                                                   approaches when the freewill of man is either to be honoured or to be respected.

The end-time mortality of man encircles the end-time harvest,

                                                  gathers the latent saints-in-waiting,

                                                  welcomes those with the committing of the soul unto the light of Christ.”


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