My Scrolls

The End-time Visions of My People (9.5.12)

“The visions of My people are not without a purpose,

                                            are to be tested by My Spirit,

                                            are to be authored by the being of God.

The valid visions of My people are to encourage,

                                                    are to edify,

                                                    are to testify.

The valid visions of My people are to bring change into a life,

                                                    are to enlist a spirit,

                                                    are to uplift a soul.

The valid visions of My people are not imparted to fall upon the dust,

                                                    are not given to be put into an archive,

                                                    are not imprinted to be just ignored.

The valid visions of My people are not a regular occurrence,

                                                    are not common to all identities,

                                                    are not seen unless selected for a message.

The valid visions of My people deserve their understanding,

                                                    deserve a written record,

                                                    deserve a path of progress,

                                                    deserve the implant of the intent,

                                                    deserve reference to a peer,

                                                    deserve a prayer in answer.

The valid visions of My people speak the spiritual into the physical,

                                                    speak from the oracle of God,

                                                    speak into the reception room of man.

The end-time visions of My people are to be discerned against a changing background,

                                                     are to be acknowledged according to My word,

                                                     are to be accepted within the field of grace.

The end-time visions of My people bring the aura of God to man,

                                                     bring an end-time message with clarity and distinction,

                                                     bring the attention of man to focus on the will of God.

The end-time visions of My people are reserved for this season of the clouds,

                                                     are reserved to instil the message inherent in the latter rains,

                                                     are reserved for the end-time preparation of man.

The end-time visions of My people confirm the validity of My bride,

                                                       the validity of My return,

                                                       the validity of kingdom rule,

                                                       the validity of angels so prepared,

                                                       the validity of the approval of The Father,

                                                       the validity of the readiness of The Son,

                                                       the validity of My Spirit’s preparation for the vacant souls of man.”


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