My Scrolls

The End-time Vitality of A Nation (3.8.13)

“The vitality of a nation depends on its understanding,

                                                      on its wisdom,

                                                              both professed and displayed,

                                                      on its vision for the future based both on peace and the well-being of its peoples.

The vitality of a nation depends on its relationship with its neighbours,

                                                    on its righteousness of rule,

                                                    on its perception of the truth.

The vitality of a nation depends on the sanctity afforded life,

                                                         the value put on families,

                                                         the education of the young.

The vitality of a nation depends on its belief in justice,

                                                         its enforcement agencies forsaking violence and beyond the control of despots wearing sneers
                                                                                                                                                                           with lies upon their lips.

The vitality of a nation is dependent on productivity;

                                                                a workforce who is willing;

                                                                a judiciary who does not know corruption;

                                                                an ombudsman who is alert and articulate,

                                                                                         who has an open door which leads to accountability.

The vitality of a nation should highly value friendship,

                                                  highly value freedom,

                                                  highly value The God of Revelation –

                                                                      The God who lives and loves and who knows The Lion which roars.

The vitality of a nation should swing the trade doors open,

                                      should spread the welcome mat to those who drive the caravans,

                                      should seal the typed documents in honour so the typing can be seen in action.

The vitality of a nation cannot long survive in isolation,

                                      cannot long survive with guns along a frontier,

                                      cannot long survive where the powerful and the rich place their gold in foreign banks of secrecy.

The vitality of a nation flourishes where flowers are valued for their beauty,

                                                      where cleanliness speaks volumes to the visitors,

                                                      where truth can be shouted from the rooftops,

                                                      where the laws are passed by the agreement of the people,

                                                      where there is the fear of God abroad and His favour is well known.

The vitality of a nation speaks of a happy nation,

                                                      a joy filled nation,

                                                      a righteous nation –

                                         where there is no fear of man and each attends his neighbour as himself.”


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