My Scrolls

The End-time Wheels of Commerce (24.6.13)

“The wheels of commerce rotate throughout the earth,

                                           rotate in servicing the habitations of man,

                                           rotate in bringing the ordered across the distances,

                                           rotate in bearing the fruits of trade,

                                           rotate in meeting the needs and wants of man.

The wheels of commerce vary in velocity of transportation,

                                         vary in vulnerability to attack,

                                         vary in reliability in the weather,

                                         vary in circumstances of acceptance at the frontiers of man,

                                         vary in the makeup of the freight for destinations,

                                         vary in the demand by the recipients of orders.

The wheels of commerce load all they can carry,

                                         have few decisions of morality,

                                         see few calls upon the ethics of the enclaves which they serve.

The wheels of commerce vie with one another to meet the daybook of expenses,

                                                                           to haggle over the offered rate,

                                                                           to be the fastest to deliver,

                                                                           to repeat the gain as frequently as practical.

The wheels of commerce stop in places known to be inhospitable,

                                                 in places caused by breakdowns,

                                                 in places prepared for ambushes,

                                                 in places where pillaging is witnessed,

                                                 in places guards do not prevent the thefts,

                                                 in places of scarcity of water,

                                                 in places which oversee the trafficking in children stolen from their homelands.

The wheels of commerce are oiled from the oilcan squirting profit,

                                                        from the greasing of the palms with tainted funds,

                                                        from the smuggling of the undeclared without a trail of paper,

                                                        from the transfer of the stolen embedded in disguise so the origin remains covered by the lie,

                                                        from the deliveries to the warlords who value no life but their own,

                                                        from the starving and the hungry when extortion plays its part with ruthlessness.

The wheels of commerce have no integrity of purpose when loaded up with lies to fill their tanks as fuel.

The wheels of commerce have no restitution where the dust of the earth enters the nostrils of man. 

                                                                                         For as they breathe so death shall be serviced from the earth.

The wheels of commerce have no recourse to grace or mercy when they ferry death into the hinterlands,

                                                                                                                             death into the cities,

                                                                                                                             death into the arms of man emboldened by freewill,

                                                                                                                             death via the arms of man which stutter as they spew,
                                                                                                                             death from the arms of man seen on the fields of


The wheels of commerce should not be as a death-line,

                                                                     a harbinger of death,

                                                                     a courier of death:

                                                  to the embattled who struggle against the invaders of known ferocity.

The wheels of commerce belie their name when dealing under a different flag.

The wheels of commerce are open to attack depending on the cargo being forwarded for  delivery.

The wheels of commerce should have no need for the circling of the caravans,

                                                                           for the issuing of either defensive or offensive orders,

                                                                           for fleeing in a chase from conquest.

The wheels of commerce should trade in peace,

                                         should encourage peace,

                                         should be introducing the value put on peace as development proceeds for the benefit of man.

The wheels of commerce are to benefit the lives of man with goods entrusted to that responsibility, 

                                                                                          with goods as known and viewed by God,

                                                                                          with goods as originating from the knowledge pool of God for the
                                                                                                                                                                        benefit of man.”


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