My Scrolls

The End-time of Collisions (9.4.12)

“The end-time of collisions records the clashes of the will of man with the will of man,

                                             inherits the clashes of the will of Satan with the will of man,

                                             suffers the clashes of the will of man with the will of God.

The end-time of collisions speaks of the circling and the approaches,

                                                       of the charges and the defeats,

                                                       of the offers and the acceptances,

                                                       of the rejections and the destruction,

                                                       of the savagery and the deaths,

                                                       of the fear and the consolation.

The end-time of collisions speaks of the addictions and the diseases,

                                                       of the maladies and the pain,

                                                       of the afflictions and the causes,

                                                       of the sinning and the encouraging.

The end-time of collisions speaks of the pig-headedness and the determination,

                                                       of the secular and the sacred,

                                                       of the guilty and the innocent,

                                                       of the wayward and the forgiving,

                                                       of the lost and the saved,

                                                       of the careless and the careful,

                                                       of the impatient and the patient,

                                                       of the mortal and the eternal.

The end-time of collisions indicates the heart-intent of man,

                                           indicates the seal to be selected for imprinting upon a life,

                                           indicates the destination likely for a soul;

                                           confirms the records of the angels,

                                           confirms a blank page in a book where the entry has not been sought,

                                           confirms a soul who over-rides the preferences of the spirit while the body is still mortal.

The end-time of collisions resounds the praises of God to those gathered in His flock,

                                                                                        to those-in-waiting for a special day,

                                                                                        to those who understand the season which befalls,

                                                                                        to those preparing for a wedding of exceptional renown.

    For such as these dwell under the extended right arm of God;

                                                    the promise of The Father;

                                                    the new covenant of The Son;

                                                    the counsel of The Spirit:

                                                                                   in this age of grace.

    For such as these dwell in the household of faith,

                                           in the inheritance of promise,

                                           in the light of Christ revealed unto the world.

    For such as these are covered by the mantles of:

                                           the promise to those martyred;

                                           the promise inherent in the body and the blood;

                                           the promise released for the committed from the death upon the cross;

                                           the promise of the coming of The Risen King.”


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