My Scrolls

The End-time of Deceit (14.4.12)

“The end-time of deceit is about to grow and prosper,

                                       is soon to introduce the knaves of the earth,

                                       is to introduce the real meaning of ill-gotten gain.

The end-time of deceit is spreading across the earth,

                                     is found in every pocket without accountability,

                                     is widespread in its application,

                                     reaches out across all valued aspects of the life of man.

The end-time of deceit attacks the integrity of man,

                                     shrinks the pools of honesty,

                                     expands the seas of lies:

                                                    the bedrock of deceit;

                                                    the breeding place of fraud;

                                                    the nesting place which harbours the birthplace of the schemes,

                                                                                which encourages the low road to acquisition,

                                                                                which circumvents the working hands of man,

                                                                                which summarizes for belief that later seen as not so,

                                                                                which searches among the temptations of the soul,

                                                                                which locks in the weakened spirit so the soul may acquiesce.

         Beware the nests which raise the hatchlings which squawk out for attention,

                                                                                which persevere well past the declining of an offer,

                                                                                which will seek repeating contributions from the greedy,

                                                                                                                                                from the gullible,

                                                                                                                                                from the naive of station and of life.

The end-time of deceit sees deception to the fore –

                                                                           with a plausible excuse –

                             ready for a query as to the specifics of intent:

                                                         as the knock falls upon a door,

                                                         as an eMail is delivered,

                                                         as a stamp is placed upon an envelope,

                                                         as the telephone brings a call at mealtimes,

                                                         as an ‘Excuse me’ in the street,

                                                         as a hand outreached in preparation with a begging bowl,

                                                         as a contract is presented for a signature in ignorance,

                                                         as documents bequeathing access are sought without the validation.

The end-time of deceit flourishes in the season of high activity,

                                                      in the presence of a change of scene,

                                                      in the unfamiliarity with new protocols of direction,

                                                      in the chasing after opportunities,

                                                      in the acceptance of what appears with a menu of free lunch,

                                                      in the lack of checks and balances performed,

                                                      in the loss of common sense at the unfolding of the story,

                                                      in the absence of sought counsel from the wise.

The end-time of deceit festers on the misplaced trust,

                                                 on the acquaintance rated as a friend,

                                                 on the urgency associated with acceptance,

                                                 on the guise of the availability of wealth where acumen is untested,

                                                 on the possession of means left unverified,

                                                 on the record of behaviour remaining obscured,

                                                 on the remoteness of the transfer precluding a recovery,

                                                 on the details of the information being hidden as in a cellar without a light or key.

         Beware of the initial surge of the hope,

                                                    of the expectation,

                                                    of the promised change in circumstance,

                                                    of the references at distance,

                                                    of the loan,

                                                    of the fee,

                                                    of the deposit,

                                                    of the gift,

                                                    of the funding transfer,

                                                    of the loaded card of commerce:

                     those sought in preparation of the promised scheme –

                                                    which has no payday in reality,

                                                    which feeds on finding willing victims,

                                                    which is effective in denuding such of their nest eggs –

                                                                                           for transfer to another hidden nest.”


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