My Scrolls

The Power of My People (9.5.12)

“The power of My people is to be increased,

                                          is to be prepared in readiness,

                                          is for the rule and reign with Christ.

The power of My people is not a trite expression,

                                         is real and to the fore,

                                         is certain and determined,

                                         is convincing and sustained.

The power of My people is righteous and administrative,

                                         is ordered and constrained,

                                         is forbearing and discerning,

                                         is innovative and judicious.

The power of My people is circumspect and lawful,

                                         is indicative and confirmative,

                                         is helpful and assisting,

                                         is eager and auspicious.

The power of My people settles and distributes,

                                         summons and decides,

                                         queries and ascertains,

                                         listens and discloses.

The power of My people emanates from God,

                                         supports the edifice of God,

                                         upholds the glory of a kingdom known to God.

The power of My people has no intent of evil,

                                         has no agenda unknown to God,

                                         has no attachment to the residues of sin.

The power of My people is blessed and approved by God,

                                         is inherited from the throne room of God,

                                         is developed and enveloped by the love of God for man.

The power of My people is collective and assured,

                                         is sensitive and calming,

                                         is authoritative and disarming,

                                         is far reaching and impressive.

The power of My people surges and relaxes,

                                         concentrates and wanes,

                                         builds and climaxes,

                                         fragments and unites.

The power of My people encompasses and assembles,

                                         fixes and breaks,

                                         claims and disowns,

                                         encircles and directs.

The power of My people visits and dismisses,

                                         comforts and supports,

                                         reinforces and repairs,

                                         inhabits and vacates.

The power of My people enters and retreats according to the scene,

                                                           according to the need,

                                                           according to the will of God.

The power of My people is in the fulfilment of the centuries,

                                         is in the promises of God,

                                         is in the crafting of the destiny of light.

The power of My people knows the handshake of creation,

                                         knows the presence of their God,

                                         knows the inheritance of The Son conveyed to the bridal saints which be.”


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