My Scrolls

My Children of The World (4.8.12)

“My children of the world can set the world on fire:

                                           can speak the golden tongues,

                                           can bear the golden testimonies,

                                           can win the golden souls.

My children of the world are My ambassadors at large:

                                               My ambassadors with messages,

                                               My ambassadors with conviction,

                                               My ambassadors with answers.

My children of the world are My ambassadors with the golden touch,

                                                               with the golden gifts,

                                                               with The Golden Spirit to make known.

My children of the world pray the golden prayers for others,

                                         seek the golden counselling,

                                         know the golden presence of The Lord.

My children of the world hearken to the golden moment,

                                         call upon the golden hosts,

                                         receive the golden visions,

                                         drink of the golden cup filled with water from the golden river which always flows to life.

My children of the world have the golden manners,

                                         have the golden tasks,

                                         have the golden blessings from The Lord.

My children of the world prepare to be the golden bride,

                                         wait for the golden dawn –

                                                      to receive a golden welcome to the golden shores.

My children of the world are the golden archetypes of willing golden servants,

                                         are the golden forerunners of a golden kingdom,

                                         are the golden torch bearers of a golden flame.

         For such as these will never tarnish,

                                     are repositories of great value,

                                     are magnificent to see in action,

                                     are a wonder to behold.

         For such as these will never fade away,

                                            never rot away,

                                            never be hidden out of sight.

         For such as these are nurtured and tended by the hosts of heaven:

                             as their colours change from black through all the greys unto the white;

                                               and then begin to sparkle as the golden jewels of each passage

                                                                 through mortality are fitted to each golden gown of life.”


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