My Scrolls

The Disappointments of God (20.7.12)

“Scattered is the flock of God upon the earth.

Widespread is the acceptance of The Saviour within the field of grace.

Impressive is the reaching to the stars of the edifice of God on earth.

Disappointing is the standard of morality within My church,

                                                                   within My pastorates,

                                                                   within My elderships,

                                                                   within the flock all claiming to be sheep.

Disappointing is the mocking of My word,

                           the twisting of the meaning,

                           the taking out of context,

                           the ending of a sentence at a comma,

                           the seeking of alternatives to interpolations which may best convey the interpretation of the meaning wanting

Disappointing are the ways of scholars claiming to be learned,

                                                                    yet failing the test of a relationship with God,

                                                                    yet failing the perceiving of the word of God,

                                                                    yet failing the commissioning of God.

Disappointing is the mediocrity of prayer –

                                              as measured by its length,

                                              as equated to the sincerity of the heart,

                                              as gauged by its coverage when posing as if diarrhoea of the mouth.

Disappointing is the extent of the clamour of the soul within the spirit’s bounds of a damaged

           temple –

                             far from upright,

                             far from righteous,

                             far from its spirit’s standard for the safe keeping of the soul.

Disappointing is the paucity of the witnessing of My Blood,

                                                   the testifying of the sacrifice of The Son –

                                                                                     among the saints across the earth –

                                                             as deployed with grace for an offered destiny to the lost.

Disappointing is the end-time tribulation as it falls on those who think they are immune,

                                                                  as they clutch a covenant in tatters,

                                                                  as they mouth the prayers which cascade to the floor,

                                                                  as they attribute that to which they are not entitled,

                                                                  as they impart damnation to their souls.


   The Lord,

          say to all those this day,

                ‘Uplift instate instill.
                 Repent renew restore.’

     For such as these should attend,

                                             be taught and learn the active ways of God without delay.

     For such as these lead a life of self-deception,

                                  dwell in the land of make-believe,

                                  ignore the application of My word well preached –

                                                                     to their lives still living in denial of wise counsel.

     For such as these are blind to miracles allowed no impact on a memory,

                                                                    permitted no effect upon a life,

                                                                    sequestered in the trash can with no promise of release.

The disappointments of God record the spurning of grace,

                                               record repentance undeclared,

                                               record the casualness of the soul,

                                               record the issues of morality,

                                               record the lack of testimony,

                                               record the covenant no longer held as holy,

                                               record the absence of the fear of God.

The building of a shameful record may be measured,

                                                       may be assessed,

                                                       may qualify for the end-time receiving of My wrath.

The building of a shameful record does not pre-empt erasure of the slate upon the heart’s sincerity of the request for grace.

                   For grace in action is a wonder to behold,

                                                                     with a marvel in the making.

                   Behold the miracle of forgiveness with the changes wrought within a soul.”


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