My Scrolls

The 'Escape' of Man (12.11.13)

“The 'escape' of man from life within mortality is always demonic,

                                                                             is always fuelled by soulish* activity,

                                                                             is always at the leading of the soul. 

The 'escape' of man does not select his destination,

                                 has no choice of where he lands,

                                 has no hope for a change of circumstance.

The 'escape' of man surrenders life at the behest of evil intent,

                                                        at the behest of all hope withheld,

                                                        at the behest of the lie believed.

The 'escape' of man has fully surrendered prior to his 'escape'.

The 'escape' of man is a statement of a journey into hell,

                                 is a statement of defeat,

                                 is a statement of the power of the demonic inviting to a place where the authority of God remains unrecognized.

The 'escape' of man ends the eternal prospects of the spirit of man,

                                refutes his opportunity initialized for preparation for a much grander plan,

                                succumbs to the downward pressures which brought him to fall full length upon the earth with Satan’s heel
                                                                                                                                                                              upon his neck:

                                                to thereby claim his soul as a trophy for parading through the heavens.

The 'escape' of man does not follow a hallowed course of opportunities,

                                does not follow The Son of sacrifice,

                                does not follow an acceptance of grace.

The 'escape' of man testifies posthumously through a lost soul of where his own freewill can lead,

                                                                                    of the terminal damage rendered to his spirit,

                                                                                    of the engulfing of the second death which denies the existence of

The 'escape' of man verifies the closing of a one-way gate,

                                 verifies a repository which never became a temple,

                                 verifies a struggle which ended in abject failure,

                                 verifies the absence of that which can no longer be.

The 'escape' of man condemns the loneliness of man,

                                                  the despair of man,

                                                  the separation of man into what man categorizes as a failure.

The 'escape' of man shows he did not seek,

                                 shows he did not find.

The 'escape' of man shows life declared no value,

                                 shows life had its purpose hidden.

The 'escape' of man shows the defeating of the function of the grave,

                                 shows the lack of understanding.

The 'escape' of man resulted from the absence of wisdom,

                                                       the absence of love,

                                                       the absence of companionship:

                                                                                       where burdens could not be shared.

The 'escape' of man can be occasioned by the false teachings of a few carrying great responsibility for their forbidden counselling –

                                          both by oath and within the morality of God –

                                                       to bring about an end to life which impacts on the present:

                                                                            to so steal a likely heartfelt future place with God.”

Scribal Note:  *Soulish – adjective, (adverb: soulishly; noun: soulishness.) ‘worldly’, unspiritual’, ‘natural’, ‘sensual, ‘worldly minded’.

(First encountered as used by Derek Prince in a series of talks entitled ‘Protection From Deception’, subtitled ‘Navigating Through The Minefield of Signs and Wonders’, in March 1996.

Copyright © Derek Prince Ministries. Originally published July 1996. Revised and expanded November 1996

Background of the Author:

Derek Prince was educated in Britain at Eton and King's College, Cambridge. Later he held a Fellowship in Philosophy at King's. He headed a ministry that provided Bible teaching material in many languages to 140 nations through books, audio and video cassettes, and radio and television broadcasts.)




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