My Scrolls

The Grain of Wood (23.8.12)

“The grain of wood testifies of Me,

                                               in its layering and its patterning,

                                               in its softness and its hardness,

                                               in its pliability and its stiffness,

                                               in its moulding and its resistance,

                                               in its growth rings of proximity,

                                               in its homeland where it flourishes,

                                               in its colour and its adornment:

                                                                         as fitted for the chosen use of man.

The grain of wood is a marvel as presented unto man.

The grain of wood is shaped and bent,

                               is steamed and soaked,

                               is dried and weathered:

                                               in conforming with the will of man.

The grain of wood receives surface impregnations to enhance and to preserve,

                                                                                 to beautify and to astonish,

                                                                                 to attract and trade in acquisition.

The grain of wood supports and comforts man.

The grain of wood renews and multiples,

                               warms and heats,

                               shelters and protects:

                                               the shelters built for man.

The grain of wood is present in all aspects of the life of man.

The grain of wood is valued and sought after,

                               is tested and rejected,

                               is appraised and accepted:

                                               meets with man’s wastage in destruction when judged as in the way.

The grain of wood serves man along his timeline of progression.

The grain of wood partakes in the birthplaces of the forests,

                               partakes in the birthplaces of the breath of man,

                               partakes in the extending of renewal to the birds within the sky;

                                                                                          to the animals upon the earth;

                                                                                          to the animals and fish within the seas:

                                                           all in need of covering and breath under the dominion of man.”


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