My Scrolls

The Sacrifice of Self (21.8.12)

“Sacrifice of self is the sparking of discipleship,

                            is the confirmation of the setting of a goal,

                            is the freewill of man being self-limiting on an aspect of his life.

Sacrifice of self  is as a mushroom cloud exploding,

                            reaches to the heights,

                            expands into the distance,

                            surveys a great expanse readied for rebuilding.

Sacrifice of self modifies behaviour,

                           modifies the input to the body soul and spirit,

                           modifies the output from the body soul and spirit.

Sacrifice of self introduces concern for others,

                           offers help in need,

                           shares the building blocks of faith.

Sacrifice of self deserts the cause of shame,

                           deserts the cause of blemishes upon a gown,

                           deserts the need to place a muzzle on a mouth,

                           deserts the actions leading to the binding of the hands and feet of man,

                           deserts the shallowness of existence for a life with purpose and results.

Sacrifice of self trusts and believes,

                           offers and adjusts,

                           discusses and acquires:

                                                the offerings of God.

Sacrifice of self learns and emulates,

                           masters and decides,

                           appraises and discards:

                                                along the road of discipleship.

Sacrifice of self verifies and adopts,

                           seeks and finds,

                           is both blessed and favoured:

                                                as wisdom is acquired.

Sacrifice of self removes the mountain tops for a surveyor’s peg,

                          removes the mountain of discrimination,

                          shares the mountain of testimonies,

                          guards the mountain of faith as it grows from deep within.

Sacrifice of self sees the mountain of salvation for what it really is,

                                                                               when the striving fails to yield reward:

                                                                                                   a molehill as in a garden,

                                                                                                   a mound upon the river’s bank wherein the living water flows –

                                                                                                                                      surrounded by much grace –

                                                                                                                       lying there to be but picked up and donned.

Sacrifice of self is not a trite expression in the vocabulary of man,

                          is not diminished by much use.

Sacrifice of self is a sacred trust,

                          opens the path to holiness,

                          stems the tide of debris,

                          casts no shadow in The Son’s light.

Sacrifice of self ends the conflicts of the soul,

                          knows the approach of harmony,

                          has eyes which can now see the lands beyond horizons.

Sacrifice of self is not a death sentence on the body,

                           is not dressed in mourning,

                           is not bedecked with tears of regret,

                           is not starved of input.

Sacrifice of self brings a new sun rise to each day,

                          brings a new prayer upon the lips,

                          brings a new exchange in the relationship with God.

Sacrifice of self majors in the perpetual,

                          graduates to the eternal,

                          swaps the disasters of the past for the promises within the present,

                                                                           for a way of life unveiled,

                                                                           for success concluded within the guidelines of The Spirit,

                                                                           for the golden goal of God.”


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