My Scrolls

The Surprises of Man (25.10.13)

“The surprises of man fall upon him unexpectedly,

                                     fall upon him with suddenness of expression,

                                     fall upon him to overload his senses in the moment of application.

The surprises of man are varied and far reaching,

                                   are dramatic and minor,

                                   are impelling and major.

The surprises of man may be life changing and intimidating,

                                   may be awaited and appreciated,

                                   may be random and peculiar.

The surprises of man occur both night and day,

                                   occur both in fear and in appreciation,

                                   occur both for his welfare and to his detriment.

The surprises of man may be welcomed or rejected,

                                   may be true or false,

                                   may be expensive or tawdry,

                                   may be bright or dull.

The surprises of man can affect all aspects of his life,

                                   can apply to all aspects of his death.

The surprises of man can be amicable or distasteful,

                                   can emanate from the sacred or the secular,

                                   can bring happiness or dreariness,

                                   can cause exertion or relaxation,

                                   can quicken or retard the perception of time.

The surprises of man are conveyed by the presence or the absence of the senses of man,

                                                         by the action or inaction of the senses of man,

                                                         by the reaction speed which dwells among the senses of man.

The surprises of man are sprung by Satan in usurping vengeance:

                                   are sprung where faith is difficult to find,

                                   are sprung on the dissonance of man,

                                   are sprung without relief in sight.

The surprises of man are sprung by God:

                                                      when faith is immersed by the commitment of man,

                                                      within the mortal folds of time,

                                                      to enhance the fear of man,

                                                      to highlight the gifts of favour,

                                                      in bringing faith materialised upon the body before the spirit and the soul.

The surprises of man can make a heart beat faster,

                                   can make a heart appear to miss a beat,

                                   can make a heart be stilled.

The surprises of man evoke memories in need of grading,

                                                              in incidents worth discarding,

                                                              in recollections worth correcting.

The surprises of man have occurred down through his ages,

                                   will continue in his future,

                                   will startle him in the present of his enduring.

The surprises of man lead him to discoveries he might not have otherwise had,

                                   lead him to his turning points in life,

                                   lead him to an accounting with God,

                                   lead him to the understandings of God,

                                   lead him to the forbidden zones of man,

                                   lead him to sin without remorse,

                                   lead him to acquire a habit to his pleasing,

                                   lead him to seek the help of God.

The surprises of man often lead to a new beginning,

                                                    to the crossing of a threshold,

                                                    to the waiting arms of matrimony,

                                                    to the promises of surprise,

                                                    to the wonder of surprise,

                                                    to the miracle of surprise,

                                                    to the prayer curtain of surprise,

                                                    to the reconciliation of surprise.

The surprises of man are not the surprises of God.

The surprises of man are not the surprises of Satan.

The surprises of man are not the surprises of the onlookers,

                                   are not the surprises of the attendants,

                                   are not the surprises of the hosts.

The surprises of man are tempered by his attitude to life,

                                   are tempered by his wish list,

                                   are tempered by his character,

                                   are tempered by his will,

                                   are tempered by his prayers.

The surprises of man need to be reconciled with category,

                                                    reconciled with relevance,

                                                    reconciled with impact on the spirit and the soul,

                                                    reconciled with the welfare of the body.

The surprises of man are events of importance:

                                   carry messages which should be understood,

                                   impart knowledge missing from experience,

                                   inlay the chords of memory in preparation,

                                   introduce certainty in the presence of uncertainty,

                                   warn man of imminent attack;

          should neither be ignored nor seen as of little consequence when the attention span is stretched.

The surprises of man come without prior indication,

                                   come as a drop of rain from a cloudless sky,

                                   fall on the head of man even when sheltered by a hat.

The surprises of man are at their best when originating from God:

                                                            when serving the purposes of God,

                                                            when conveying the will of God,

                                                            when landing on man for the benefit of man.”


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