My Scrolls

The Vanguard of My Spirit (7.9.12)

“The vanguard of My Spirit is the ideal place for My saints to be.

For there are the healings and the miracles,

                are the heartaches and the miseries,

                are the testimonies borne,

                are the prayers bestowed with answers,

                are the gifts of My Spirit alive and well within My saints committed to obedience and blessings.

For there is the forefront of faith in action.

For there is the sprouting of the seed of faith within the witnesses from the multitudes.

For from there are the testimonies spread –

                                                              like unto the wild fire –

                                        which proceed the wildfire of My Spirit’s presence.

The wildfire of God does not scorch or burn the flesh of man.

The wildfire of God is a sign of wonder as it skips and dances on a journey of delight.

The wildfire of God is not tamed by man,

                                  is at the behest of God,

                                  departs and jumps within His will,

                                  lingers and amazes within the sight of man,

                                  is an end-time sign to the end-time seekers,

                                                                  to the end-time servants of The Living God.

The fire of ashes is not the fire of God,

                            is the fire of man –

                                         can damage and destroy,

                                         can choke and kill the children of My harvest.

The wildfire of God saves and rescues man,

                                  uplifts and glorifies The Living God who is ministering in this end-time to His children.

The wildfire of My Spirit is mighty to behold,

                                          tests the eyes of man to follow,

                                          tests the body of man to withstand its presence borne of the fear of God.

The wildfire of God is the flame of My Spirit released from containment in the heavens:

                                                             as a sign to man of My Spirit’s being in the domain of man.

For as holiness increases so is felt the kiss of God upon the body of man and of His servants.

For as the fire of God spreads so miracles are encountered,

                                                 so miracles dominate the speech and thoughts of man,

                                                 so miracles defy the explanation of those acquainted with their idols

                                                                                                      of those immersed within a lifestyle of idolatry,

                                                                                                      of those who are familiar with the gods who never bring the fire.

My servants know the wonder of discernment,

                    know the answers to questions never asked,

                    know the history of a family,

                                                     of relationships,

                                                     of sickness and of wasting,

                                                     of the activity of demons,

                                                                 with assuredness and certainty.

My servants of The Living God know His servants are not left devoid of words upon their lips,

                                                                                  are not left in silence when a blessing is required,

                                                                                  are not left in pondering when a rebuke is due.

My servants are not surprised when familiar with the power and the authority of God,

                    are not concerned with injury of those receiving ministry,

                    are not dismayed by fire in the presence of their God.

My servants are attune with the methodology of impartation through My Spirit,

                    have expectations of the truth,

                    have the knowledge needed for My ministry as servants of their God.

My servants keep in honour their freewill within their tasking,

                    keep in honour their tongue assigned the words of God,

                    keep in honour their spirit and their soul in execution of the will of God,

                    keep in honour the speaking of the declarations brought by grace,

                    keep in honour the relationship built on faith in God,

                    keep in honour the miracles rendered as My servants offer up the prayers upon their lips in the presence of My Spirit.”


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