My Scrolls

The Variance of Man 12.10.13)

“The variance of man confirms stability of purpose,

                                                   stability of existence,

                                                   stability of development:

                                                                            stability within the window frame of God. 

The variance of man cycles across all aspects of his being.

The variance of man is for the benefit of man,

                                  is for the fellowship of man,

                                  is for the development of man,

                                  is for the family of God.

The variance of man determines his abilities:

                                                    his specialties,

                                                    his weaknesses,

                                                    his dependencies,

                                                    his needs,

                                                    his constructions,

                                                    his food,

                                                    his education,

                                                    his reasoning.

The variance of man determines his skill set in facing life:

                                                     his wisdom to learn from others;

                                                     his wisdom in knowing when to share;

                                                     his wisdom in protecting his advantage;

                                                     his wisdom in the quest for happiness;

                                                     his wisdom in evaluating resources;

                                                     his wisdom in establishing his boundaries.

The variance of man is subject to long term trends:

                                                      how he interacts,

                                                      with whom he shares his bed,

                                                      the parameters set for families,

                                                      how he fills his days,

                                                      his beliefs and superstitions,

                                                      his faith and idolatry.

The variance of man causes friction amongst man,

                                  causes bloodshed amongst man,

                                  causes enmity amongst man;

                                  causes envy amongst man,

                                  causes pride amongst man,

                                  causes judgments of superiority and inferiority amongst man.

The variance of man is dependent on his long term positioning on the earth,

                                                       on his long term needs to cope with his environment,

                                                       on his long term variance necessitated in order to survive.

The variance of man,

                             safe in his own shell,

                                                      has no authority either to question or to discriminate –

                                                                             on the basis of a history which is leading to survival.

The variance of man should create a sense of wonder and thanksgiving for the beauty of man there beheld,

                                  should create a sense of togetherness and belonging to the fraternity of man,

                                  should create respect and admiration of how others have solved their problems,

                                  should create kindred spirits as they all gather in unity of purpose to worship their God of Love,

                                  should create awe and wonder for and at The Living God –

                                           He who brings redemption with salvation unto the understanding of man;

                                  should create an earnestness to accept the gift of grace within its time set for acceptance.

The variance of man is not as a result of randomness –

                                      progressively acting as an agent of intelligence:

                                      progressively installing life with increasing ability and thought,

                                      progressively installing self-awareness and social order,

                                      progressively gifting thought patterns of originality leading to new horizons,

                                      progressively endowing man with capabilities not then needed for survival,

                                      progressively enhancing the intellect of man –

                                                                  as he seeks to journey back to from whence his spirit came.

The variance of man perceives randomness demolishing back to componentry.

So randomness never puts a footprint on a beach;

                         never is the generator of life;

                         never can design a construct of ultimate simplicity –

                                                      as seen in the cell of life:

                                                                  fitted with its powers of reproduction,

                                                                                 of memory,

                                                                                 of duplication –

                                                                                wherein man is seen to tinker with his claims.”


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