My Scrolls

The Way Stations of The Lord (16.8.12)

“The stations of the cross result from the honouring by My people in their times of mourning.

The stations of the cross are not intended to be so.

The stations of the cross mark the road to victory,

                                        mark the road to Calvary,

                                        mark the road to reconciliation of man and God.

The stations of the cross are misplaced when on a street map,

                                        should be placed within the temple of My Spirit,

                                        should be welcomed and attended.

The stations of the cross are the way stations of The Lord when within mortality.

The Lamb’s Book of Life welcomes the entries of the way stations of The Lord on the street map of the soul.

The way stations of the Lord may not be present on the street map of a soul,

                                               may not be present on the indexing of a spirit,

                                               may not be present with an impact on the body.

The way stations of The Lord are numerous and consensual:

                                                                as entered on the street map of the soul,

                                                                as entered in the indexing of the spirit,

                                                                as entered for renewal of the body.

The way stations of The Lord complete within the temple,

                                                 are partial while the sun keeps rising on the temple,

                                                 are completed upon the final sunset on an entered grave. 

The way stations of The Lord comprise:

                                            the birth from within the womb of celebration;

                                            the sprouting of the seed of faith;

                                            the committing of the body soul and spirit as the house becomes transformed into a temple;

                                            the immersion of obedience with the new birth of the body soul and spirit;

                                            the blessing of the gifts as they are discovered;

                                            the freeing of the tongue from blasphemy so the tongues of heaven may come forth;

                                            the service inherent in each tasking and the pause between;

                                            the frequent participation before the table of The Lord:

                                                                                           where the bread and wine,

                                                                                                                       as ascribed to time,

                                                                                                            are shared at each remembrance –

                                                                                           where prior repentance is the highlight as added sin is so forsworn,

                                                                                           where the slate of life obtains erasure under My mantling of grace;

                          the entry and the passing to and through the grave.

The way stations of The Lord are each a place of rest,

                                                 are each a place of prayer,

                                                 are each a place of victory:

                                  for the confirmation of the progress of the soul.

The way stations of The Lord are the stepping stones encountered on the way to eternal life,

                                                 are the turning points at life events,

                                                 are the road signs offered at the cross roads,

                                                              offered at the intersections,

                                                              offered at the junctions of decision.”


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