My Scrolls

The Writings of God (6.8.12)

“The writings of God are not submitted to man to give him something with which to argue back and forth,

                                   are not for the bringing of divisions,

                                   are not for the violent defending of the faith in God.

The writings of God are to impart knowledge of God,

                                                                         of His concern for man,

                                                                         of His belief in man,

                                                                         of His companionship with man,

                                                                         of His sacrifice for man,

                                                                         of His reconciliation of man with God,

                                                                         of His being both in the reality of man and in the presence of the Sacred.

The writings of God testify of God’s interaction with Man in his glory in righteousness and truth,

                                                                              with Man in his shame as his head is hung with downcast eyes.

The writings of God record His dealing with those who stand in confrontation against His people and His being:

                              as the ill-treatments are heaped on the mistreatments of His people,

                              as blasphemies intermingle in a three-way tie with The Father,

                                                                                                                The Son,

                                                                                                         and The Holy Spirit –

                                                                                       where the three are one and the one is three.

The writings of God testify of a history proclaimed in detail:

                                                 a history not purged of the failings of man;

                                                 a history not purged of the wrath of God falling within His vengeance;

                                                 a history not purged of the laws of God with the rebellion of man;

                                                 a history not purged of the sacrifice  of God with His gift of grace.

The writings of God give ample guidance to the truth,

                                  give ample guidance with due warnings,

                                  give ample guidance as to the intent of God.

The writings of God are recorded as intended,

                                  stand as intended,

                                  declare as intended –

                                          in their survival within the mixing of the politics of man.

The writings of God reach above the hatred of man,

                                  reach above the love of man,

                                  reach above the godlessness of man,

                                  reach above the Godliness of man,

                                  reach above to shower all with His grace who share a contrite heart.

The writings of God are not silenced by the edicts of man,

                                  are not transformed by the vilifications of man,

                                  are not aborted by the blood of martyrs,

                                  are not dissembled by the raging fires of books,

                                  are not overcome by the arbitrary laws of man.

The writings of God stand in righteousness and truth,

                                  are upheld by God,

                                  distil the truth for perception from the lies,

                                  have prophecies to the fore for this day and age,

                                  change lives upon a reading with effect on generations,

                                  hold the keys to gifts within the reality of man,

                                  proclaim My Spirit’s guidance to the spirit for the soul,

                                  speak of My Spirit’s coming,

                                  speak of the witnessing of miracles –

                                                         all through the centuries of man,

                                                                 within an epoch of His writings,

                                                                         for the benefit of man.

The writings of God carry an intense intent:

                                  carry messages both sublime and flagrant,

                                  carry messages of both rejection and encouragement,

                                                           of both war and peace,

                                                           of both loyalty and betrayal.

The writings of God are secured under the hand of God,

                                  are testifying through My Holy Spirit,

                                  are enfranchised with My Spirit’s call,

                                  are protected by The Father within the edifice of The Son of God.”


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