My Scrolls

Blessed are They (2) (9.1.14)

“Blessed are they who can see the beauty in creation.

Blessed are they who take joy in witnessing the sunrise,

                            who thrill at the viewing of the sunset.

Blessed are they who can marvel at the lady who strides around the earth,

                                                                        who takes steps no man can match,

                                                                        who throws the light afar that man may wonder,

                                                                        who moves the seas so the bounds may be refreshed,

                                                                        who sees the earth in this splendour of her season,

                                                                        who awaits with patience all that the earth is scheduled yet to be.

Blessed are they empowered to visit the lady as she sweeps the sky.

Blessed are they who can pause in their tasks to see the earth hung in her place among the heavens.

Blessed are they who return to witness of the wonders encountered in their time of exploration.

Blessed are they who can attain the measure of their size when walking within the scope of God.

Blessed are they who have appointments to marvel at the works of God –

                                                                                               all which He proclaims within the heavens,

                                                                                               all which He declares upon the earth,

                                                                                               all which He supports within the seas.

Blessed are they with eyes which see,

                            with ears which hear,

                            with senses of interaction testifying of The God of all creation –

                      from the finest of the details of a molecule to the largest of the systems which assail all the senses of man.

Blessed are they who can attain and cherish knowledge of The Loving God,

                            who admit their infancy before His presence,

                            who would form a close relationship with The Master of all upon the earth,

                                                                                                The Master of all beyond the earth,

                                                                                                The Master who preserves the destinies of man –

                                                                                                             each occasioned by man’s own freewill record –

                                                                                         travelling with each soul and spirit in a sequence of attachment.

Blessed are they who can formulate the desires of their heart,

                           who know the favour of The Lord,

                           who have hearts filled with gratitude and honouring,

                                                                with reverence and fear,

                                                                with praise and worship –

                                                                                         for the gifts received from their God of Love.

Blessed are they who can recognize that ‘coincidence’ is but the presence of God at work within their lives,

                                                                           is but the setting up by God of a divine appointment to change the heart of man,

                                                                 is but a mystery of God awaiting the discernment of man to discover that which it really is.

Blessed are they in achieving the guidance of God,

                           in amending their characters in line with the objectives of their spirits,

                           in walking with truth and integrity and righteousness whilst holding the hand of God.

Blessed are they who have their sights set firmly on eternity with God,

                            who are preparing earnestly to be included among the bride of purity,

                            who are preparing by using and employing the gifts of The Holy Spirit,

                            who are practising the coming functioning of the gift of tongues which,

                                                                                                                            in its full fluency,

                                                                                                              ushers in thought transference beyond the realm of time.

Blessed are they who appreciate,

                                   experience and comprehend:

                                                          the spiritual evidence available of future existence in the presence of The Lord;

Blessed are they as they prepare to join the bride.

Blessed are they as the sacrament is observed.

Blessed are they as their trail of sin diminishes.

Blessed are they as their mouths are cleansed for holiness.

Blessed are they as righteousness brings peace.

Blessed are they who know the activity of God within their lives;

                            who see and understand the call of servanthood;

                            who accept the tasking of The Lord;

                            who store their treasure past the grave,

                                                                   past the refiner’s fire,

                                                                   past the presence of the moths and thieves.

Blessed are they who know they needed grace;

                            who know their change of status;

                            who know a secured destiny;

                            who know the love of God.”


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