My Scrolls

A Grateful Heart (2.8.13)

“A grateful heart should always be protected for it is of much worth,

                       it is as a beacon to all that are free and true,

                       it is as a receptacle of where gratitude rests and is at peace.

A grateful heart sings a song of thankfulness,

       sings a song of appreciation,

       sings a song of love,

       sings a song of stardust from the stars,

       sings a song of heaven in the presence of the guests,

       sings a song in truth of the wonder of receiving.

A grateful heart knows the beat of praise,

        knows the hymn of worship,

        knows the fellowship of man,

        knows the gift of grace,

        knows the welcome to the bride.

A grateful heart does not speak of rejection,

       does not speak in anger,

       does not speak against The Spirit who records.

A grateful heart suffers injustice from the flock,

       suffers indignities from the foolish,

       suffers slurs without debate from the lips of the loose and the careless.

A grateful heart has the favour of The Lord,

       has a character of renown,

       has a soul of righteousness,

       has a spirit ministering My Spirit with His wisdom to the tongue,

                                the lips,

                                the mouth,

                                where blasphemy is unknown.

A grateful heart steers the way through the minefields of life,

       lifts the shadows from where the feet are placed,

       uplifts the spirits of all those with divine appointments for their souls in need.

A grateful heart is blessed by God without request,

       is blessed by God in freedom,

                in righteousness,

before the presence of The Father,

       is blessed by God with the consent of My Spirit at a way station of eternal life.”


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