My Scrolls

The Accepting of My Bride (9.10.12)

“The accepting of My bride is not a mass approval,

                                              does not have room for those who try to hide among the others,

                                              is a detonation of the out-pouring of love heard and sensed around the earth –

                                                                                                                   experienced throughout the heavens.

The accepting of My bride is one-on-one with The Father,

                                            is one-on-one with The Holy Spirit,

                                            is one-on-one with The Risen King.

The accepting of My bride is personal and permanent –

                                                       from the standpoint of a covenant, 

                                                       from the standpoint of factoring the behaviour of each saint,

                                                       from the standpoint of preparation presenting under grace.

The accepting of My bride is past the time of grace:

                                            is not an extension relating to sheltering;

                                            is not an extension relating to pleading;

                                            is not an extension relating to delayed preparation;

                                            is not an extension relating to the seeking of mercy;

                                            is not an extension relating to the attendees who are assailed by self-doubts about their standing –

                                                                                                                                     by self-doubts about their quest for purity,

                                                                                                                            by self-doubts as to the storing of any treasure,

                                                                                                                   by self-doubts as to their sincerity of belief,

                                                                                                          by self-doubts arising as if escaping through the flames of fire,

                                                                                                 by self-doubts in the changes imposed by the trusting of My word.

The accepting of My bride is the goal of the race well run,

                                                             of the way well trod,

                                                             of the discipleship well verified.

The accepting of My bride separates the hesitant and the doubtful,

                                                           the fence-sitters and the gate-crashers,

                                                           the make-up artists and the mask-wearers –

                                                                       all those pretending to be sheep belonging to My flock.

The humble and the faithful,

 the committed and the true,

 the open and the righteous no longer carry the fear of failure,

                                            no longer carry the fear of being disowned by The King,

                                            no longer carry the fear of rejection from kingdom citizenship.

For such as these know My voice:

                             have studied and have learnt;

                             have fulfilled and been blessed;

                             have gathered to rejoice in the presence of My Spirit –

                                                                                   with an awareness of their thrones in waiting,

                                                                                   with the new covenant in force;

                             have met Me at the table of remembrance with the Body and the Blood,

                             have sheltered under grace unto their end of days.

The glory of My kingdom awaits My bride accepted,

                                           awaits My bride of purity,

                                           awaits My bride dressed in her white linen,

                                           awaits My bride engowned for eternal life,

                                           awaits My bride known to The Father and The Spirit in unity with The Son.”


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