My Scrolls

The Activities of My Servants (27.9.12)

“The activities of My servants are accountable to Me.

The activities of My servants are overseen by My Spirit.

The activities of My servants are known to The Father.

The activities of My servants progress the works of God,

                                                progress the building of a kingdom,

                                                progress the returning of The King,

                                                progress the end of evil,

                                                progress the curtailment of injustice,

                                                progress the unifying of the sacred and the secular,

                                                progress the earthly establishment of the coming edifice of God.

The activities of My servants are important and well planned,

                                                are essential and committed,

                                                are seen in governance within the edifice of God,

                                                are seen in roles of authority which sweep beyond the coming end-time of the hindrances of man,

                                                                          of the upheaval of man,

                                                                          of the storms due for the besetting of man with his ruination.

The activities of My servants are as disclosed,

 the character of My servants is as stated,

 the behaviour of My servants is as expected,

 the presence of My servants is as required,

 the aspects of My servants are as sought,

 the effects of My servants are as already known.

The results of My servants are consistent with their efforts:

                              all which are so declared in My commentaries on chapters* 3–4, 6–11, 14–15, 19–22, 24–25, 27–34, 36–41,
                                                                                                        parts of 43, 44–48 of the Book of Ezekiel –

                                                                                                                       wherein I choose to speak to My servants.

Not so in chapters 5, 12–13, 16–18, 23, 26, 35 whereat I choose not to speak as the content remains within the realm of relevancy
                                                                                                                                                            and carries My intent.



              in chapter 42 and parts of 43 is the fluctuating servanthood of the earth –

                                                            let all upon the earth perceive with care and understanding –

                                             of His servants of the darkness and the damned,

                                             of My servants for the betterment of man within the will of God.

Let all upon the earth fully comprehend the value,

                                                                 the dignity,

                                                                 the worth,

                                    God places on His servants throughout all the days of ages.”

Scribal Note: *‘Divine Commentary – Ezekiel Ch XX’, (XX is Ch No.), cf. 3rd Bk, pages 48 – 282,

                                                                                                                        ‘God Speaks by His Spirit To The Coming Storm’.


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