My Scrolls

The Anthem of The King of Kings (2.4.14)

“The anthem of The King of kings plays out in the honouring of position,

                                                                        in the honouring of stature,

                                                                        in the honouring of The Father’s will.

The anthem of The King of kings was written long ago within My word,

                                                       was written for this end time age of grace,

                                                       was written in readiness for when it became due to come forth.

The anthem of The King of kings plays in the presence of My banner,

                                                                in the presence of salvation,

                                                                in the presence of those who would come to know their King.

The anthem of The King of kings carries the notes and sounds acceptable to God,

                                                       carries the depth of meaning imparting holiness,

                                                       carries worship to the footstool of The Lord.

The anthem of The King of kings is known to the angels,

                                                       is so declared on earth,

                                                       is brought before My people as the glory so befalls them.

The anthem of The King of kings knows the sheen of gold without impurity,

                                                       knows the sound of worship from a state of cleanliness,

                                                       knows the edifice of God in heaven as it conjoins in unison –

                                                                                        for and with the fulness of the edifice of God upon the earth.

The anthem of The King of kings has fanfares for the time of man,

                                                       has fanfares for the coming and the going,

                                                       has the fanfare of the announcing the attending at the altar of The Lamb,

                                                                                    the announcing of the sacrament of The Lamb of God,

                                                                                                                 the participation in fellowship with God.

The anthem of The King of kings holds the voice of worship which swells the timbre of the heavens,

                                                       underpins the faith of My people in their end-time gatherings,
          brings glory to The Son through My people’s willingness to make public the confession of their


                        The Age of Grace is soon to close.

                        The new is revealed as Mercy opens wide the doors.

                        The veil has been withdrawn from the Temples of God.

                        The Mystery of God approaches.

                        The fullness of the time.

                        The end-time preparing of My Bride for My return.

                        The heavens applauding at the coming glory.

                        My People’s new beginning in My Eternal Presence.

The anthem of The King of kings will be widely heard upon the earth,

                                                       will be widely heard as the bodies do stoop to bow,

                                                       will be widely heard as all creation bows in fealty to The Lord of both life and death.

The anthem of The King of kings attends and releases;

                                                       opens and closes;

                                                       welcomes and farewells –

                                        My end-time Spirit’s giftings in this age of grace.”


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