My Scrolls

The Blessings of God (1.4.14)

“The blessings of God are tangible and real.

The blessings of God are vested and imparted.

The blessings of God are many and varied.

The blessings of God are perfected and restricted by the prayer-house of the heart.

The blessings of God multiply in maturity,

                                   frequent the lovers of the truth,

                                   project into the lives of gratitude.

The blessings of God yield access to the miracles the signs the wonders which are at home with The Living God.

The blessings of God includes those which place a ‘Wow’ into an observation,

                                                 those which summon a prayer of thanksgiving,

                                                 those which witness the touch of God as healing is effected,

                                                 those which are anointed to speak a word in time,

                                                                                                        a word born of prayer,

                                                                                                        a word born of encouragement,

                                                                                                        a word born of sorrow,

                                                                                                        a word borne to comfort a broken heart,

                                                                                                        a word borne to validate a circumstance as known to God,

                                                                                                        a word borne in confirmation of a proposed course of action.

The blessings of God test the perception of man in his home,

                                                                              on his outings,

                                                                              on his travels,

                                                                              at potential trouble spots,

                                                                              in his handling of the weather.

The blessings of God test the reactions of man for the fear of God.

The blessings of God test a heart for thankfulness,

                                   test a heart for the well-being of the soul,

                                   test a heart for the embedding of love for one’s fellowman.

The blessings of God are mysteries to the godless,

                                   are deceits unto the idolaters,

                                   are sources of wonders and of thanksgiving to the flock of God.

The blessings of God are witnessed by the humble and the meek,

                                   are witnessed by the faithful and the faith-filled,

                                   are witnessed by the truthful and the righteous,

                                   are witnessed by the word and in the prayers of man.

The blessings of God neither bring a stumble nor a trip,

                                   neither bring an affliction nor great sorrow,

                                   neither bring a warring nor an argument.

The blessings of God see lies banished from the mouth,

                                   see the wisdom of when to shut the doorway to the tongue,

                                   see the growth in the ability to express the word of God.

The blessings of God enable blessings to be recounted,

                                   enable testimonies to be borne,

                                   enable hands with the authority to heal to be deployed in prayer.

The blessings of God do not become the copyright of nations,

                                   do not become the prerogative of the ‘holy’,

                                   do not become the right to issue by anyone but God.

The blessings of God come in the presence of the fear of God,

                                             in the fall of a sign from God,

                                             in the mantles of the beloved of God.

The blessings of God come in both style and deed,

                                   come safely wrapped as experience is unfolded,

                                   come in confirmation of the love of God.

The blessings of God do not come and go with ups and downs as if on a seesaw’s plinth.

The blessings of God are stable in their objectives –

                        to bring the rewards of faith and righteousness into the daily lives of My sheep,

                        to bring the rewards due the honouring of My servants in their daily lives of labouring,

                        to speak in confirmation of My being in those daily lives where endeavour is built on difficulties,

                        to bring a sign of My presence to those daily lives who laid a test upon the ground.

The blessings of God are a microcosm of His will:

                                   are as a spotlight within a search light –

                                                                 those which highlight the centre of attention within the halo of the blessings;

                                                                 those to be embedded in the long term memories of man;

                                                                 those to stand upheld in salute before the edifice of God,

                                                                 those to stand as witnesses of the Living God as He cares for man.”


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