My Scrolls

The Bride-in-Waiting (19.9.12)

“The bride-in-waiting knows the drawbridge raised by sin,

                                    knows the difficulty in achieving purity,

                                    knows the battle fought in maintaining progress whilst avoiding the slippery slope:

                                                                                                                                    where there is no handhold to assist the feet.

The bride-in-waiting waits in faith,

                                  waits in introspection,

                                  waits in patience,

                                  waits while establishing the building of a relationship of holiness,

                                  waits while the soul is restructured in its habits,

                                  waits while wisdom is attained,

                                  waits while the spirit listens for priorities for action.

The bride-in-waiting waits in expectation,

                                  waits in hope,

                                  waits within the promises of God.

The bride-in-waiting is not in a time of idleness,

                                  is not in a time rendering perfection,

                                  is not in a time waiting for perfection.

The bride-in-waiting is in a time of far-reaching preparation,

                                  is in a time of approaching fulfilment,

                                  is in a time where the dawn becomes more important by the day.

The bride-in-waiting should not wear a face of discouragement,

                                                             a face of disappointment,

                                                             a face of impatience when filled with the assumption of delay,

                                                                                  when becoming tired of waiting.

The bride-in-waiting should not dismiss progression in discipleship,

                                                                 progression in obedience,

                                                                 progression in the tasks ignored and left for others –

                     for such as these leave stains upon the gown in need of attention to remove,

                                                 leave spots of deeper hue upon the badge of the spirit,

                                                 leave matters unattended which have been chosen to be ignored by an action of freewill.

The bride-in-waiting does not face a curfew,

                                   is not subject to delaying action,

                                   will be treated as the virgins without oil* unless prepared and ready,

                                                                                 unless complete and dressed,

                                                                                 unless worthy for presentation before the altar of The Lamb.

The bride-in-waiting should ask the questions of the soul which shines no answers forth,

                   which are packaged with the hope they will never surface to require an answer,

                   which are fraught with difficulties of deeply buried fear and dread:

                                          those which prevent the lifting of the head and a directed gaze –

                                                 from eyes of freedom love faith and truth inherent in the bride to be.

The bride-in-waiting should know the goats shall not enter into the presence of God except to stand before the great white throne.

The bride-in-waiting will be continually tempted to cover up the known deficiencies;

                                   will be continually tempted to paper over,

                                                                                to play down,

                                                                                to minimize the lack of content,

                                                                                to skate over the thin ice hiding a secret life,

                                                                                to lie before the altar;

                                   will be continually tempted through the deep sins which have not been cleansed:

                                                                                           each with an open access which festers in the spirit under stress.

The bride-in-waiting will have no ice hidden in a heart of exceeding warmth;

                                   will have no cause for shame;

                                   will not answer with a ‘but’;

                                   will not find acceptance for excuses;

                                   will find reasons are already known and understood.

The bride-in-waiting is running out of time,

                                   needs to spring clean a temple out of season,

                                   needs to be thorough and effective,

                                   needs to banish and evict,

                                   needs to open the doors and window so the freshness of My Spirit does not encounter staleness –

                                                                                                                   or the unkempt odours from closets still remaining closed.

The bride-in-waiting is in peril if found with insincerity;

                                                  if found to be intransigent;

                                                  if found to be half-hearted in response;

                                                  if found wanting in aspects of discipleship where the will of God is clear;

                                                  if found with the mindset which prolongs the works of Satan in the flesh.

The bride-in-waiting and with wisdom will abide by the standard set for the imprimatur of The God of Righteousness into His
                                                                                                                                                                        presence for eternity.

The bride-in-waiting should be prepared to be the consort of The King,

                                                                   the consort against whom none will stand to testify,

                                                           the consort against whom nothing has been left upon the slate when under the totality of grace.”

Scribal note:

*The Bible: Matthew 25:1-13


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