My Scrolls

The Cadence of The Lord (21.1.15)

“The ears of man have an inbuilt ability to discern the rhythms of the sound fields,

                                                                 to discern the rhythms of the spoken voice of man,

                                                                 to discern the rhythms of the emphasis,

                                                                                  the rhythms of inflexion,

                                                                                  the rhythms of the prose and poetry as presented,

                                                                                                                        as created for the songs.

The eyes of man can discern the rhythms of the written word when read in solitude,

                                                                                                  when read in a presence,

                                                                                                  when read before an audience.

The tongue of man can accept the tempos,

                               can accept the tunes –

                                                      of both the heavens and the earth.

The tongue of man can marry with the vocal cords,

                                can marry with the lips:

                                                             to be wedded as a three in one –

                                                                            to produce the soundings of the spirit and the soul,

                                                                            to produce the utterance of My Spirit for imparting meaning to a life.

The tongue of man can vest in understanding,

                               can vest in wisdom,

                               can vest in discovering the implants of The Lord.

The outflow of the tongue of man is sensitive to the input,

                                                       is sensitive to conveying meaning,

                                                       is sensitive to reproduction.

The outflow of the tongue of man pays attention to the detail that nuances may not be lost,

                                                                                          may still exist although not present in production –

                                                                                                                       when ignorance presides,

                                                                                                                       when time is highly valued,

                                                                                                                       when tensions mount to modify,

                                                                                                                       when tiredness wanes attention.

The outflow of the tongue of man carries the imprint of heaven when engaged by My Spirit –

                                                                                                                    in the receiving of My word.

For then does the cadence of The Lord bear testimony to man of My presence.

For then does the prose,

                       the poetry,

                       the songs,

                                bear witness as to their origin.

For then does the ear of man sensitize the spirit as to the importance of the word of God.

For then does understanding flower in the presence of wisdom.

For then is the message from the heavens enhanced during its reception.

For then does man in his mortality have an insight into the heavens of that which cannot be,

                                                                                                                     but is,

                                                                                                             of that with both the rhythm and the reason,

                                                                                                                                  and succinctness in address.

So the cadence of The Lord opens up the written word of God.

So the cadence of The Lord spells out its link with heaven,

                                              spells out its transmission by The Spirit,

                                              spells out the miracles of arrangement within the tongues of man.

So the cadence of The Lord accompanies the truth statements of The Lord.

So the cadence of The Lord abounds and signs His word in the tongue of man employed.

So the cadence of The Lord affirms the production of His word for His endtime harvest.

So the cadence of The Lord passes the gifting of discernment to the ears,

                                                                                                       the eyes,

                                                                                                       the voice –

                                                                                               readied for the spirit and the soul of man.”


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