My Scrolls

The Ecclesia of My Kingdom (9.10.12)

“The Ecclesia of My Kingdom is widespread and efficient,

                                                   is thorough and on-going,

                                                   is consistent and righteous,

                                                   is just and benign.

The Ecclesia of My Kingdom multitasks without compromise,

                                                 edits without loss of knowledge,

                                                 proscribes without hindrance the ways and will of Satan.

The Ecclesia of My Kingdom rules and sustains,

                                                 selects and invigorates,

                                                 achieves and progresses with the willing support of My people.

The Ecclesia of My Kingdom exists in sanctity of being,

                                                 exists in performance of My kingdoms’ needs in which My kings do reign,

                                                 exists that justice in full knowledge may prevail throughout all dominions of My kings.

The Ecclesia of My Kingdom celebrates and verifies the truth as known within the past of man,

                                                                the truth as seen within the present where hindsight is not called for its account.

The Ecclesia of My Kingdom impacts on My bride:

                                                 calls My bride to service,

                                                 serves My bride in tasks,

                                                 knows My bride with results which witness.

The Ecclesia of My Kingdom visits and commends,

                                                 explores and validates,

                                                 uplifts and looks beneath.

The Ecclesia of My Kingdom leaves no stone unturned in the confirming of the truth.

The Ecclesia of My Kingdom hears testimonies galore –

                                                                                  with all the wrongs and rights:

                                                                                  with all the wrongs with rites,

                                                                                  with all the wrongs with deeds,

                                                                                  with all the wrongs with shame,

                                                                                  with all the wrongs appealing justice,

                                                                                  with all the wrongs unpunished,

                                                                                  with all the wrongs of man accrued in time since past.

The Ecclesia of My Kingdom is vital and alive,

                                                 is equipped and well-resourced,

                                                 is confident and correct.

The Ecclesia of My Kingdom knows the testimonies of wrongs deserving the vengeance of God.

The Ecclesia of My Kingdom knows the Mercy Seat installed for use.

The Ecclesia of My Kingdom knows the presence of The King.

The Ecclesia of My Kingdom knows the presence of The Banner of The Lord.

The Ecclesia of My Kingdom knows the Edifice of God.

The Ecclesia of My Kingdom prepares the edicts in readiness for the coming Edifice of God.”


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